

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lvgz
i'm a virgin by choice as well. i dont see anything wrong with being one or not being one, but personally.. its rare these days in mho. i'm 18, and i can say more than half (wayyy more) of my friends are not virgins. its not that i dont have the sex drive (which everyone knows i do... HAHA at dirty jokes and dirty minds) but i just rather wait. im like the unexpected virgin out of my friends. i see it as a test for myself. i have such a sex drive (dirty mind, okay lol) and whatnot that i just want to see how long i can hold out. it'd make sex more special for me, and its something for me to look forward to. sometimes the 'been there, done him' really just isnt motivating hahahah

and plus. im scared to SHIT of having a baby at my age. i definitely give props to the ppl who have done it because taking care of a kid is hard work. its just not for me right now. i know there are condoms, birth control pills, and whatnot. but i rather not take the chance. AND uh, at 18 STDs are everywhere. can you imagine how many highschool or in my case, college students have slept with someone? then with someone else? ....

Ahh girl I am WITH you. I am 18 and a virgin and scared as crap i'll get pregnant. Thank God I have waited this long, I am so in love with him, I know he is the one (we will be engaged in a year) and he's also a a virgin (which means alot to me, as we will be in this together).


Well-known member
ive been reading some of your posts girls.. and most of you do not separate sex and love. i think you can have sex with someone you dont love and still, it doesnt mean being sluttly or sleeping around.. you should lost your virginity with someone that you feel comfortable around and who respects you- but that doesnt mean doing it with the guy youve been with for 2 yrs or something. thats my opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lexiesupagirl
ive been reading some of your posts girls.. and most of you do not separate sex and love. i think you can have sex with someone you dont love and still, it doesnt mean being sluttly or sleeping around.. you should lost your virginity with someone that you feel comfortable around and who respects you- but that doesnt mean doing it with the guy youve been with for 2 yrs or something. thats my opinion.

I personally don't separate sex and love for a reason. I can't. I just wouldn't be comfortable sleeping with someone that I'm not in love with, and even if I could I'd probably develop feelings for them as a result. My emotions and sexuality are connected. Don't think I make the choice of not separating the two because I've been raised that way, or don't have a lot of experience, or whatever reason you may give. I've made the conscious choice because of the way I am. You feel differently and I respect that, and am glad that you recognize the way you feel. Don't make the mistake of thinking that everyone shares your opinion or is comfortable with the same things you are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
I personally don't separate sex and love for a reason. I can't. I just wouldn't be comfortable sleeping with someone that I'm not in love with, and even if I could I'd probably develop feelings for them as a result. My emotions and sexuality are connected. Don't think I make the choice of not separating the two because I've been raised that way, or don't have a lot of experience, or whatever reason you may give. I've made the conscious choice because of the way I am. You feel differently and I respect that, and am glad that you recognize the way you feel. Don't make the mistake of thinking that everyone shares your opinion or is comfortable with the same things you are.

I was just sharing my opinion, it wasnt anything personal. i never thought anyone feels the way i feel.


Active member
19 & still a virgin. Whenever guys find out they always think that I'm waiting to get married, when it's just that I have so much going on personally & don't have time in my life for anyone else right now.

That & the fact that I'm not on BC.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lexiesupagirl
I was just sharing my opinion, it wasnt anything personal. i never thought anyone feels the way i feel.

Cool. Sorry if I was harsh, I was tired and grumpy when I read your original post.


Well-known member
Most definitely not a virgin. Had sex for the first time two months shy of my 17th birthday, because I wanted to. I felt that my virginity was keeping back a side of me... the side that just adores sex, but I didn't figure that out until I entered in my current relationship, and ran through my share of men trying to figure that out. I'm only 20 and have had a few one night stands, tried to make a man fall in love with me by sleeping with them (that... never works.), and even friend with benefits relationships.

But, sexual compatibility is a HUGE deal to me. I want to sleep with a man that likes the same things I do in bed. Whenever I found out that sex felt good, I knew that remaining a virgin wouldn't be in the cards for me. I was not raised in a heavily religious environment. I can compare the size of a banana in relation to my boyfriend to my own mother. I still have many friends that remain virgins, and many more that think they have to hide the nature of their relationships from their parents. I just can't understand that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
i've never willingly had sex.

i understand,and i see it as im still a virgin i didnt give anything away so in my hart i still am one and god knows i am allso im still waiting to i find teh right guy hopfully my husband :
that i admited that but hopfully that helped somone to fill the same way it realy does help me .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
hahaha I dont know if Im a "loose moraled girl" but am I the only one who doesnt view sex as such a big deal?

I was about to write the same
I never saw my virginity as something I had to keep because it made me somehow special.
I got laid by someone I had a crush on during summer vacation & I never thought we would stay together, it was just a crush, nothing more.
At that time I was still pretty young (14), but I never regretted it, I was ready & that was all that mattered to me.
Waiting until you get married would be an absolute no-go for me. Loving somebody to me means that you should not agree on a "mental level" but also on a physical one


Well-known member
I lost my virginity when i was 17 to my son's father (who was 24 at the time)... It was an awesome experience---and im glad it was with him because now i know that my son's father is the one i lost my virginity to (even though over the on and off again course of our 6 year relationship i DID have sex with other people!)... he played minor league baseball and Ill never forget that we were having sex and one of his teammates was outside the room hitting the window with a golf club and a bottle of jim beam. It was hilarious- didnt ruin my experience at all- I just attributed it to the whole "minor league baseball, day off" thing...

We had sex a ton, and even though he turned out to be a NOT good person, the fact htat I got a son out of the whole deal makes me smile. My son wasn't planned by any means, and i was on the pill (every hour, every day.. never missed) and STILL got pregnant.. but its just so amazing looking at him and seeing his father... its craaaaaazy. haha

but for those of you scared of getting pregnant- i agree with a past poster- BE VERY AFRAID... lol. ITs the hardest thing in the entire world and a TOTAL life changer.. and i love my son more than ANYTHING in the entire world..but it is def insane...



Well-known member
I was 14 and stupid. He was 16, I thought we were would be together forever(oh to be young and naive). We'd been together since I was 13. I stayed with him until I was 15. The deal breaker was when I witnessed him doing a line of coke...

I don't regret anything because he taught me a lot. Most importantly - he showed me who I didn't want to be(a drug addict).

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I was 18, and it seemed like I was the LAST virgin in the world. All of the people around me had already done it, and that's largely the reason why I did. I was always a person who had a mind of her own, who went against the grain, except when it came to sex. I didn't want to be "left out" anymore. I got teased by my friends for it. I had my first real boyfriend at 18 as well, so once I got to know him a bit, I decided he was "the one". He started getting on my nerves after a while, so I broke up with him. It was odd because I'd heard all of this stuff about girls getting so attached to their "first" or guys they have sex with and things like that, but that never happened with me, except for with the man who is now my husband and the father of my child. On that note, I definitely agree, at least personally, that sex is WAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better when there is mutual love.


Well-known member
I was 17, and he had just turned 18. We were best friends for 2-3 years, and I had just broken up with my first ever boyfriend (he lost his V card to my best friend, who lost hers to him..grr!). We had just started going out when we lost it (he was a V too!). It was definitely awkward haha but I don't regret it at all, since even though now we've broken up, we were together for three years and I will always, always care for him and I know he feels the same about me. It was the right time for me.

Since then, a few very bad incidents have happened, one involving "going all the way" (I'm such a little girl sometimes haha!). I was very cautious before, but now I'm even moreso. Lots of my friends have many partners, and while I don't think that's for me, I don't judge them since it's right for them. Since my last bf who I lost it too, I haven't had sex in almost 4 years now, and am again waiting for someone who it'll feel right with.


Well-known member
I intended to hold on to my V plates for as long as I could...and then i fell utterly, truly in love.

I was 17 and a half, so was he, and we were utterly obsessed with each other. I loved everything about him and he did about me too. And for the first time i thought of sex as something I wanted to share with this human being, and only him.

So we did it. Sure it was awkward ( i think it usually is with two virgins) but because we loved each other we could giggle about it and accept it was going to get better. It wasnt about trying to prove who had the best skils- we learnt together.

Now, almost five years later we are still learning together.


Well-known member
I'm a virgin by choice. I believe that it is something special and should only be shared with someone special too! Every man that has hit on me so far, was not my type. I have yet to have a man whom I think is worthy, to share that experience with. I feel as if I won't have to wait that long though now.


I'm 19, almost 20 years old. Still a virgin by choice. Nothing to do with waiting til marriage or religion. I've had too many friends cry, bitch and moan about how they regret it and how they wished they had waited. I don't ever wanna regret it, even if things don't work out between that person and I. I don't wanna think back and kick myself.

It's funny, I get the most retarded responses when people find out.
I either get "Well, wow. You don't LOOK like a virgin.."
Please tell me, what DOES a virgin look like, haha?
I think it has to do with my "assests". I guess chicks with tits can't be virgins?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by yarayuki
It's funny, I get the most retarded responses when people find out.
I either get "Well, wow. You don't LOOK like a virgin.."
Please tell me, what DOES a virgin look like, haha?
I think it has to do with my "assests". I guess chicks with tits can't be virgins?


I just thought that was funny! I too have people looking at me funny, only thing is they KNOW I'm a virgin before I even speak. I guess I have this goofy way about myself that people pick up on. Or, maybe they are just whores and know when someone is "pure". lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CandiGirl21

Or, maybe they are just whores and know when someone is "pure". lol

Whoa there. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't mean that the way it sounded, but careful how you word stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Whoa there. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't mean that the way it sounded, but careful how you word stuff.

Hey. I'm just calling them out like they called me out. LOL The truth hurts, no regrets!


Well-known member
Well, what do you consider a whore, and what do you consider pure? And what do you mean by the truth hurts, no regrets?

P.S. If this comes off as bitchy, totally not intended that way.

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