Visual Trademark!


Well-known member
So I was looking at my pics and I notice something quirky about me, I am starting to really notice that my eyes are off. Meaning I naturally squint more in one eye. So I think it is kind of neat, it's like my "Barbara Streisand nose" or "Jolie lips"

What is yours?


Well-known member
i purse my lips a lot if that counts.
everyone notices.

on one of my myspace photos, one of the mac MAs commented saying 'there are those pursed lips!'


Well-known member
I can tell that one of my eyes looks different from the other too. ((Sigh)) I can't do anything, but love them. They do work.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
i purse my lips a lot if that counts.
everyone notices.

on one of my myspace photos, one of the mac MAs commented saying 'there are those pursed lips!'

lol my supervisor does too. I swear, we had a baby photo day and in her baby photo her lips were pursed!


Well-known member
Hmm I don't know if this counts but a few years ago I noticed that my eyelids were completely different. The one on the left is an inny and more sunken and the one on the right is an outtie and heaps less sunken. When I first noticed I freaked out and thought I was deformed but later I thought it was kinda cool and interesting and I still do
! I have to apply eyeshadow slightly differently on the right eye because there is less lid space and the crease is less visible.


Well-known member
My face is always angled because i am self conscious about my nose straight on or in profile. I also always try to have a "sexy" expression o_O


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
My face is always angled because i am self conscious about my nose straight on or in profile.

Same here. I have the worst-shaped nose, and I've been a little self-conscious about it since I posted a FOTD a few months ago on Specktra and someone said that I have a nose like a bunny.


Well-known member
supposedly one of my eyes is a bit lazy and kinda moves to the side on its own....It might. I haven't really noticed that. When I take my glasses off sometimes one of my eyes is a bit lazy but you can hardly tell.

if i'm not smiling or doing something with my mouth, the corners go down. I blame that on my mother. She has serious droopy mouth. I think all of my brothers and sisters got that from her though...we all have it at least a little bit. I try to always do something with my mouth, because I HATE how the corners droop down. People used to tell me I looked like a bulldog (how sweet)

someone once told me I had a smile like the Joker (from batman).

and I hate the way my nose looks in some pictures. In some pictures, my nose scrunches at the top (bridge) and then the sides look long and weird. Its just weird. I think I'm the only one who notices it--my nose is damn near perfect in person though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
supposedly one of my eyes is a bit lazy and kinda moves to the side on its own....It might. I haven't really noticed that. When I take my glasses off sometimes one of my eyes is a bit lazy but you can hardly tell.

I have the same thing! It's most obvious in photos looking straight at the camera without my glasses on. I can't decide if I hate it or not, LOL.


Well-known member
My jawline is crooked. It's really noticeable when I smile, which is why I rarely do in photos. =/


Well-known member
My eyes are really asymmetrical. One eye is higher than the other. My lips are asymmetrical too. Each side is shaped differently. I just noticed this within the last year. Oh well.


Well-known member
In a lot of my pics (not on here) I al always sticking my tongue out. My guy hates it so much! I am kind of growing out of it. But it was such a bad habit. I used to have my tongue pierced and I think thats where the tongue sticking out comes from.

My other thing is that I stick my chin out and angle my head so my face appears slimmer hahah


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
My face is always angled because i am self conscious about my nose straight on or in profile.

Me too. I hate my nose, it's so wide and has a bump! I inherited my dad's greek nose. Haha.


Well-known member
also...It looks like I don't have jawlines. I LOVE when people have a defined jaw and you can see like a strong line, I have NO line.

maybe i can get lipo for that? ugh its so disgusting


Well-known member
One of my eyes is slightly "lazy" but you can only tell in photos where I am facing directly forward. So I try to avoid that.

I'm also a big "kissy face" girl. I have hundreds of photos where I am making a kissy face, somebody make me stop!