Vitamins and Supplements for beautiful skin!


Active member
Does anyone have their favorite internal cures...B vitamins, fatty acids, etc. that they use? I think beauty starts from the inside out and many supplements that help with skin, hair and nails also have other positive effects on the body.

I like Arbonne's Clear Advantage (I use it to prevent those monthly hormonal eruptions). I also like Arbonne's RE9 REsist Essential Fatty Acid supplement. I try to avoid too much caffeine becuase it dehydrates me. What do you think?


Active member
fatty acids are great for acne prone people - take 5-6 1000 mg capsule of Fish oil a day. It does many, many other things for you as well. Helps prevent cardiovascular disease, metabolism, depression, ADD..........

also, zinc supplements 20-30 g for acne prone people.

Limiting refined/processed foods especially wheat, breads, pasta, sugar


Well-known member
Does fish oil give you bad breath in the long run? Yes, I know the capsules are sealed and everything, just wondering if it had any odd effect like when you take those strong vitamins and your pee is like bright yellow-green? Ew, sorry to be gross....I have tried taking vitamins daily because I KNOW how important it is, but they always make me nauseous, even if I take them with a meal....Any ideas?


Active member
I would try taking the fish oil 2 times a day - 3 mid morning and 3 mid afternoon or w/ a snack (or at dinner) - that should help with the "burping up" I use the "NOW" brand fish oil capsules, but look for the bottle that says
"odor controlled-enteric coated" and you most likely won't get that effect. Also, most vitamins are just expensive pee. I suggest getting
"Greens Plus (or Greens +)" You can purchase this at walgreens or google the phase. Make sure you get the capsule form as the powder is gross. It is better than a vitamin as it has numerous vitamins and minerals in addition to other herbs/supplements from actual food sources such as wheat grass, spirulina (which has 100 times the calcium of milk), chlorella (a natural detoxifier)actual fruits and veggies, etc. I know this is a vague explanation but I would have to type a novel to explain what each ingredient is for and why it's better than a vitamin..................I work in fitness/sports conditioning and these are the two supplements I recommend to everyone, and both are from natural sources.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
I have tried taking vitamins daily because I KNOW how important it is, but they always make me nauseous, even if I take them with a meal....Any ideas?

I have the same problem, rather than take vit B in solid form, the effervescent tablet in water seems to cause less stomach discomfort. It's also best taken after a meal, rather than during.

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