Viva Glam VI is on its way


Well-known member

I asked a lovely MA about the Catherine release date in Germany and she pulled out a huge schedule with nearly every release date or lapse until summer!

And I remember seeing a Viva Glam VI lapse around April/May/ watch out for it!

I'm still thinking about the new spokespersons for it! (Please let it be Gwen!!)

And (but don't count me on that, I have a brain like a net!) I think there will be a collection called Summer Legs!


Well-known member
And boooo... Anything else we should know about others collections?


Well-known member
One of the MAs at my counter told me weeks ago that they ARE releasing Viva Glam VI. I just hope they get a better spokesperson than Pamela or Gwen. I can't stand either of them.


Well-known member
i don't think it's gonna be gwen... because her pregnancy.. but oh well, it's MAC after all, we can expect anything :p


Well-known member
Oh yeah, quite far a long. I hope they make the spokesperson someone extremely amazing, not gwen... not that she ain't amazing or anything but i dont think she fits


Well-known member
They should make it paul mccartney----in drag.

And then have Elton John dress up ad the "man" and Boy George dress up as a kid

that would be funny only because McCartney is straight but in DESPERATE need of a makeover


Well-known member
My friend is a reginal trainer for mac and he told me gwen is going to start modeling the new mac stuff and beyonce is going to be in it also....but he also told me beyonce is going to be comming out with a whole entire bronzing KIT from mac...later in the year so watch for it!
