Goat Goat Etc.
Well-known member
Alright, I would love it if people could talk about how unwatchable this was. I don't usually watch the VMAs but just decided to giv e it try since Gaga was opening. If I had known better I would have turned it off right after Gaga finished her opener for the show.
It's not the Grammy's I understand and MTV markets and caters to the tastes of insecure, over stimulated teens and preteens but...yikes. I wasn't a big fan of N'SYNC but I like that they united and Justin gave them credit while accepting his achievement award; he went a little bit Ashton 'Chris' Kutcher for a second which was great. Speaking of Ashton, his speech rang throughout my head during the VMAs during the lunatic teddy-twerk bear sketch by Cyrus and generic 'have sex with you' song by Mars.
Please, I really want to hear your tongues lashing about this Specktraites.

Please, I really want to hear your tongues lashing about this Specktraites.