w-t-f is with some guys?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
do you allow people to take pictures of you while you are at the conventions?

LOL yeh, I was thinking the same thing. Her pics are prolly all over the web already, she just doesn't know where.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
LOL yeh, I was thinking the same thing. Her pics are prolly all over the web already, she just doesn't know where.

I do know where for the most part. It's on my group's myspace (not sharing, and I don't have a myspace), the convention website, and a few cosplay sites that my friends have profiles on. I don't like those online profile sites, I think they're kinda creepy.

But I don't want to share on here where I actually participate in discussion. I don't want to post them and have my body judged by people I interact with online.

Sorry again for not posting them, no hostility intended. Just directness that I'm not posting pics.

Some of the guys I posed with probably uploaded them somewhere but I could really give a damn about those since they don't know me.


Well-known member
I didn't know that you didnt just want to post them here, that isnt a problem I thought you had a problem with your pictures on the internet. and I was gonna say (as a fellow convention go-er) that you cant even get out of the parking garage without at least 15 people snapping your picture! its insane. haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I didn't know that you didnt just want to post them here, that isnt a problem I thought you had a problem with your pictures on the internet. and I was gonna say (as a fellow convention go-er) that you cant even get out of the parking garage without at least 15 people snapping your picture! its insane. haha

It's like we're rock stars among peons, very fab he he. Now if I could only get some bodyguards for pesky fan boys ;P


Well-known member
You were expecting to look hot at an anime convention and have the guys there behave in a civilized manner? These guys barely know how to behave around girls who AREN'T in a cool costume.


Well-known member
It's like a guy thing expecially here in Vegas. I could be with my man and I had 50 cent's Crew member grab me hard in the A$$$ He actually hurt me. Nothing came of it but a slap in his face but I see your point. It's nice to get nice compliments but to touch it's a no no!. Guys dont think alot of the times before they do these things. Sexy doesnt mean "touch".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
You were expecting to look hot at an anime convention and have the guys there behave in a civilized manner? These guys barely know how to behave around girls who AREN'T in a cool costume.

I still think it's wrong to touch a girl if she doesn't want to be touched. I didn't expect to be ignored, but I also didn't expect to be touched. It's wrong. It's illegal. It's disgusting.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
You'd actually be surprised at some of the people who attend those things. One of my best friends goes to anime and scifi conventions with a big group of her friends. Some of the people there are terribly socially awkward, some of them are the epitome of frat types, and most of them are somewhere in between.


Well-known member
I like how everyone assumes that people (guys) who attend Conventions are total nerds. That is so not the case anymore. I mean yea you DO have your occasional NEEERRDY nerd , but for the most part , not so nerdy. Either way there is nothing wrong with being a little dorky!


Well-known member
I have no tolerance for that sort of behavior.
I'd be quick to punch a guy in the face if he touches me. (and i have done it before)
it makes him feel uncomfortable just like he made me feel.
no guy wants a beat down by a girl in public.

they need to learn that little thing called respect.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
I still think it's wrong to touch a girl if she doesn't want to be touched. I didn't expect to be ignored, but I also didn't expect to be touched. It's wrong. It's illegal. It's disgusting.

Let me just preface by saying that I DO NOT condone unwanted groping or touching of any kind and I totally support a woman's right to express herself in any form/forum.

However, we don't live in a perfect world. Yes it's wrong to touch a girl if she doesn't want to be touched but it happens, unfortunately. Everyday minute of the day there are injustices and wrongs being committed in the world we live in. Girls get violated regardless of what they are wearing, doing etc, etc. No one in their right mind would say - expect this to happen if you are dressed provacatively but I think it's important to be savvy and aware of how people may behave around you if you are. And being aware means you make sure you are not alone, there's security near by, you yourself is prepared to be assertive and say NO when unwanted come ons happen. I think it's important to be proactive rather than reactive, this way you are in control of the situation instead of the situation controlling you.

And let's be honest, as women we know the power we have over men when we dress in a certain way. If I'm going to walk by a construction site wearing FMBs (fuck me boots) and a skin-tight cat suit with a plunging neckline I'm not going to get all indignant and call the men vile pigs if they whistle and make catcalls. Now if one of them grabs my ass he can expect a punch in the nose, that's the deal.


Well-known member
men have a tendency to think that they are the center of the universe and everithing you do (including the way you dress) is for them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9

And let's be honest, as women we know the power we have over men when we dress in a certain way. If I'm going to walk by a construction site wearing FMBs (fuck me boots) and a skin-tight cat suit with a plunging neckline I'm not going to get all indignant and call the men vile pigs if they whistle and make catcalls. Now if one of them grabs my ass he can expect a punch in the nose, that's the deal.

Oh and girls, sometimes a friendly ass grabbing is really not such a big deal. IF IT OFFENDS YOU, YES STOP IT AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT but I've had my ass grabbed before, sometimes it's just because you have a nice ass!!

i don't agree with that. before being women we are human beings, and we should be free to dress and act as we want to without having to worry about these things. being judged on the basis of what we wear is DISCRIMATION.

and by the way: "friendly ass grabbing" by a stranger is called SEXUAL HARASSMENT. there is nothing friendly in that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by malvidia
i don't agree with that. before being women we are human beings, and we should be free to dress and act as we want to without having to worry about these things. being judged on the basis of what we wear is DISCRIMATION.

Realistically, thats not the case. Certain types of clothing, are always going to be associated with certain types of behavior/status/jobs/beliefs/etc. It's not always right, but it's not always wrong eigther. And everyone is judged by how they dress, not just women. But how we dress, is a visual clue for how other people are going to respond to us. It's not the only way we come to a conclusion on how to interact with someone, but it is a part of the pie. We all human. And we all profile, steriotype, pre-judge EVERYONE around us that we don't know, and adjust our behavior accordingly.

I really think it's crazy to expect that if you knowingly dress in a revealing manner, that you are going to recieve the same response as if you were dressed for Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve (although, for some people it's not very different LOL).

It's just like someone dressed way down in dingy dirty clothing, messy hair, un-showered, etc, is not going to be treated the same as someone who is wearing Valentino, and comming strait from the hair/nail salon.

and by the way: "friendly ass grabbing" by a stranger is called SEXUAL HARASSMENT. there is nothing friendly in that.

Eh... I think it really depends on who's doing the ass grabbing. There are times when I've been upset about getting my ass grabbed, and time's when it didn't bother me. Touching is a really touchy (pardon the pun lol) subject. It really depends on the who, what, where, when and why for how I'll react.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by malvidia
i don't agree with that. before being women we are human beings, and we should be free to dress and act as we want to without having to worry about these things. being judged on the basis of what we wear is DISCRIMATION.

That's in a perfect world. If we dress AND ACT as we want and expect the rest of the world to act politically correct about it then be prepared to be very disappointed and horrified at the fact that it's quite the opposite. It doesn't even matter what sex you are we are all judged by the way we dress and the way we act, it's not ideal but it's reality.

Originally Posted by malvidia
and by the way: "friendly ass grabbing" by a stranger is called SEXUAL HARASSMENT. there is nothing friendly in that.

Hence I said "friendly" I have male friends that have grabbed/touch my butt (it was in a friendly context of which I won't go into the details) and I would not call that sexual harassment. Not every single senario consists of an unsuspecting female being groped by a menacing pervert. Like I said if you don't like it and it offends you then yes, by all means stop it and speak up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by malvidia
i don't agree with that. before being women we are human beings, and we should be free to dress and act as we want to without having to worry about these things. being judged on the basis of what we wear is DISCRIMATION.

Although this is really idealistic (and it would be nice of things worked this way) it just depends on your view points. There are few people who practice idealism 24/7 - most people just go by their culture and society's standards/view points because that is realistic. We as a community decide what is acceptable. That's like if I asked you if you would be willing to leave your door unlocked always because we as human material owners should be free to use our stuff as we wish without having to worry about the things that may happen.

And, if the argument is that we are human beings, then how do you account for human being's innate behavior to mate and be stimulated visually? On a very basic level a man "likes" a young woman with a good figure and shiny hair because it means young, healthy and able to bear children.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
The way I feel about things is in an ideal world, I, a 4'10 woman under 100 lbs, should be able to walk around any section of town in any city, waving around thousands of dollars in my hand, walk down a dark alley, and get home safely.

The reality is I'm going to get mugged and possibly worse. I'm not telling you how to dress or that you shouldn't be outraged at the behaviors of people when you wear tighter clothes, but- we lock our doors at night for a reason.

I'm not saying that you deserve any kind of bad treatment or attacks for how you dress or that it doesn't happen if you're dressed in bulky clothes, but some things are more likely to catch someone's attention than others.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Oh right, I forgot.... Being horny makes it alright...

Man: But officer! It wasn't rape! I was just horny!

Officer: I'm sorry Ms., I'm going to have to issue you a ticket for making him act this way. It is afterall in his DNA, and when you dress like that, he can't control himself! You should know better! Shame on you!

I mean c'mon...

You'd think by 2007, guys would be in control of their cocks ;p

Yeah, exactly....where is the R-E-S-P-E-C-T??? I bet, if a guy caught someone hitting on his sister/cousin/gf like that, it would be all over. So, why is it okay for you to do the same thing to another female? I am convinced that guys think with their d*cks.