Waaaaahhhhhhhh I cracked the lid on my Paint Pot!


Well-known member
I can still screw it tightly closed, but the crack is definitely visible, and with the stories I've heard about paint pots drying out.... what can I do to either rescue my pot from that fate, or to re-hydrate it if/when it does dry? It's my most used one, Constructivist. *pouts*

d n d

Well-known member
Could you maybe buy some of those little pots that MAC sells? I am sure your paint would fit into one of those or you could even find some at a beauty supply or craft store.


Well-known member
or use those travel jars that mac sells.. just put your whole paint pot container in the travel jar and screw on the lid .. volia

or u can use my ghetto method of saran wrap lol


Well-known member
Take it back or call MAC customer service. I doubt they will care how much you have used, as the product is defective.