Wait a min. should I be offended by this?


Well-known member
Im on this forum and I posted my traincase on there and I had a pic of myself which is this one

and this is what this girl said sex pistol said after taking this girls quote here....

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]quote: Originally posted by pinkyswear

ohh gorgeous collection^sharon.
and pink_minx, i love all your makeup.
aww i wish i had a collection like you guys=(


sex_pistol: i know what ur thinking... all that makeup and she still looks hideous! *sniff sniff*

Like what is that suppose to mean? LOL "all that make up and she still looks hideous!" Then that same girl sex pistol posted her traincase like nothing happened. So I was wondering if she was just saying it sarcastically? Or is this plain mean?


Well-known member
Ok thats what I thought. Cause I know sometimes on the computer you cant really tell how ppl are saying things if they are saying it jokingly or seriously but this sounds mean ugh! I should tell her off.


Well-known member
You've got a beautiful face, and your makeup looks fantastic. What that person said is not only mean, but totally untrue. Are there moderators you can report her post to? Many forums have rules against trying to pick fights with people, which definitely looks like what she is trying to do. I'd report her.


Well-known member
Yeah, Like i didnt think this girl would say that cause I see her other posts and she seems pretty nice so i didnt believe what she said. I kept reading and reading it lol like hud did you really say that about me. geesh


Well-known member
YOU have nothing to worry about. You're really pretty and she's probably 14. Don't sweat it. Jealousy can be ugly.


Well-known member
I wouldn't stress out about that. Besides, why should you even care about what some anonymous person says when it's so obviouslly untrue??


Well-known member
It sounds like maybe you misinterpreted who she was talking about. Maybe she meant to post that somewhere else or she thought the previous poster was saying she was jealous of *her* collection-- because the way she wrote that makes it sound like she is referring (jokingly) to herself.

For example, I can see someone posting their own collection and then making a self-deprecating comment like that about HERSELF-- "i know what you're thinking, look at all this girl's makeup and she still looks awful!"... you know what I mean? Especially with the "*sniff sniff*" part.

It's hard to tell what she meant without the context, but if I were you I would just ask her whether the comment was supposed to be directed at you or not. Sometimes it's difficult to communicate on the internet and people are too quick to get offended and assume things...

just my take on it, anyway.


New member
that was a bitchy thing to say... i dont think that it was meant sarcastically at all... but dont take it as anything cuz u're gorgeous!!! i dont know what she's looking at!


Well-known member
i agree with ada... sounds like shes referring to herself. like she posted her collection, someone made a comment about it and she said "YA i know what you mean... all that makeup and she still looks hideous sniff sniff".... shes referring to herself. ya know how some people like to get a sob story reaction out of things...

even if she was referring to you, which i highly doubt, i dont understand why you would let it get to you. if you have to think about it and wonder IF you should be offended, i dont think its really worth it
know what i mean?


Well-known member
@ Pink_minx - I go on that forum a lot and I read further down in that post that the person said that the_sex_pistol was reffering to herself....not you....if you get what I'm saying...=]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ada
It sounds like maybe you misinterpreted who she was talking about. Maybe she meant to post that somewhere else or she thought the previous poster was saying she was jealous of *her* collection-- because the way she wrote that makes it sound like she is referring (jokingly) to herself.

For example, I can see someone posting their own collection and then making a self-deprecating comment like that about HERSELF-- "i know what you're thinking, look at all this girl's makeup and she still looks awful!"... you know what I mean? Especially with the "*sniff sniff*" part.

It's hard to tell what she meant without the context, but if I were you I would just ask her whether the comment was supposed to be directed at you or not. Sometimes it's difficult to communicate on the internet and people are too quick to get offended and assume things...

just my take on it, anyway.

Yeah I think you are right. Cause I was looking at all the posts and I think she was talking about herself. I miss understood who she was talking about. Hehe thank god I didnt say anything back to her then I would have sound totally dumb. But I thought it cause I was the only one with a picture and she didnt have any sooo thats why I got offended so quickly.


Well-known member
Hey i'm on that forum too!!!!!!! Same user name as well!!!! I read that comment the other night but i really don't think it was aimed at u! I'm pretty positive that she was talking about herself! So don't worry! Anyways, it's pretty cool to see other forum member around!!!!