All this waiting is making my list grow more and more!
This is the last collection that I can sepnd quite a bit on So my list has grown
I already ordered Lollipop Loving, Smooth Harmony and Nighthawk/Front Row from some Specktra ladies so hopefully they will arrive before the collection is released.
I already know I want another backup of lollipop loving before I have even seen it-How crazy am I!? I just looooove corals and it looks so unique!
so when it is released I need to get;
Lollipop loving, sock hop, fleshpot, bonus beat, style minx, trio 1, phone me/text me, lola devine, she's good lashes and MAYBE alpha girl
I have lots of pink blushes though. Do you think I need Alpha Girl? What is the pigmentation and finish usually like on beauty powders? TIA