Walking - does it help with weight loss


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Originally Posted by Shimmer
Nike and Ipod have teamed up to make a great tool that helps keep pace/time while running/walking.

I got this for Christmas and it's really motivational to be able to see how far you've gone and track all of your walks/runs on the Nike+ site.
If you don't want to shell out the $ for the special Nikes, people have come up with little devices to attach the transmitter to your shoe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IslandGirl77
A co-worker and myself started walking around our building on our break. Instead of heading to the snack machine, we do two laps around our building. It's a fairly large building so it's a good walk. Plus, during the day at home I try to stay active and moving around.

I used to do this during the warmer months. I would walk/jog/run around the building 3-4 times during lunch, then I would quickly eat my lunch afterwards. I'm a fast eater anyways, so I'd eat my sammich in like 5 minutes. lol


Well-known member
Even though you all inspired me to start walking... i'm yet to start. I have managed to find every excuse under the sun as to why I cant go out for a walk. But I am actually just incredibly lazy. :sleep:

I have bought myself an air walker though and I have set it up in my lounge room, so hopefully seeing it sitting there will motivate me to get up off my ass, and exercise!!! Plus, I can watch TV while doing it, so that should keep me happy!!! :cartwheel:


Well-known member
My boyfriend is slightly exercising/feeding his TV/game need by playing DDR. I play it too and have read blogs about how it helps you lose weight, but it doesn't cut it for me in the way of cardio work (180 bpm - not music!)


Well-known member
if u get bored of walking quickly (like me) the best way to shrink the time u need to walk for more calories is to walk up hill.

i think since u changed ur diet it should help 100% and once u start exercising it should melt off pretty quickly!

g'luck w/ your weight loss!


Well-known member
walking is incredible. i cant run or do extremely strenuous excercise because of some medical problems, but walking really is the next best thing. i look forward to it. its my time to think, listen to music, and get out of the house.
either listen to your ipod or burn some good cd's, and i promise you, in no time you will be looking forward to your (almost
) daily walk.


Well-known member
I certainly hope i can get to a point where im looking forward to my daily walk. I went for a walk on friday night, but detoured past the servo, and got ice cream, so that kind of defeated the purpose!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missy29
I certainly hope i can get to a point where im looking forward to my daily walk. I went for a walk on friday night, but detoured past the servo, and got ice cream, so that kind of defeated the purpose!

Well yeah, that did negate the purpose of your walk (as far as losing weight). BUT, you got some cardio in.

Are you one that likes to look around at the scenery and enjoy it? Or do you need something to keep your mind occupied? You can add some music to your walk with an Ipod or portable cd/cassette player. Also, if you feel you like someone with you, find a friend who would like to be a walking buddy. HAHA @ 'walking buddy', but seriously.

Keep it up, and be consistent. I used to despise running, but once I started keeping up with it, I have come to enjoy it. (Even if I don't really WANT to, I find that after I'm done, I feel better inside)

Good luck!!


Well-known member
I am one who likes to keep my mind occupied. I find if I'm not actually thinking about the walk, or how much of an effort it is, I can walk for ages without realising how much Ive done.

I love the walking buddy idea!! Ive got a couple of friends that I'm trying to get to come walking with me, but they always seem to back out at the last minute which then makes me not want to go walking either! Grrr.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katja
I used to do this during the warmer months. I would walk/jog/run around the building 3-4 times during lunch, then I would quickly eat my lunch afterwards. I'm a fast eater anyways, so I'd eat my sammich in like 5 minutes. lol

Ha ha me too, my boyfriend always goes your done already? LOL My co-worker and I are still walking. I feel good doing it, and if nobody is there I go alone.


Well-known member
Walking is a form of exercise, but not geared for weightloss.....unless you power walk. Try walking at a faster paste with a hard twist. I know it sounds strange, but it is the best measure when walking if you want to get in shape. This will allow you to work muscles in you hips, quads, hamstring and even abs (if you tighten them while walking).

Other things you can do, park at the back of the lot when going to the mall/gracery store and walk. Take the stairs instead of elevators. Walk to your mailbox instead of driving (if living in an apt). Think of little things like that.


This thread is so motivating! We have a treadmill that I recently started working out on regularly. I'm doing intervals, and I feel like it is much more effective then just getting on there and walking. I am totally looking forward to warmer weather so I can walk outside, though.


I like walking because it doesn't feel like a chore. When we got a treadmill I went on it everyday and after awhile I really started to hate it. It just started to feel undesirable, and I can't bring myself to be on it for very long anymore. But I find walking better because I can think about things, and I love to listen to upbeat music. It makes me walk faster because I'm one of those people that go to the beat.

One thing I find that I really love, its bringing my camera with me. I love to photograph nature and really pretty scences, and it makes the walk so much more enjoyable.

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