Want the "glowy" look


New member
can anyone plsssssssss help me with choosing a powder that gives the whole face a nice glowy look?

im afraid i dont know which to get - MSF or BEAUTY POWDER or IRIDESCENT POWDER! (probably not iridescent powser but a powder that has iridescent qualities)

THANKS IN ADVANCE! i've asked this question b4 but im still clueless cuz apparantly the iridescent powder is so shimmery u can only apply as a hightlight. what can i get for the whole face to make it look smooth and flawless and glowwwwwyyyyy :) I also am completely illiterate about what MSF actually does. is it the same as "beauty powder"?

i love mac and use only of their products. so if someone could recommend a prodcut that will help with this, i would reaaaaaaaaally appreciate it.

p.s. THIS SITE IS AMAZING AND ALL OF YOU ARE SO VERY HELPFUL ;-) just thought i'd mention that.


Well-known member
i use msf natural over mineralize satinfinish foundation and it looks lovely and glowy. msf natural is not the same as a beauty powder. msf natural can be used as a powder or as a foundation in itself. but im not sure if u want to know about the mineralize skinfinishes like new vegas or petticoat or if u mean the mineralize skinfinish natural in skin colours.


Well-known member
I love the MSF. I love to dip my brush in the MSF, spritz the brush with Fix+, then apply. That really makes the MSF stand out, and make the skin look glowy!


Well-known member
This isn't a powder, but I recently got cream colour base in Hush and it is amaaaaazing. I'm pretty picky when it comes to facial make-up, and if it isn't working amazingly for me, I won't wear it. I'm a C3 for reference, though my roommate is black and it looked great on her too, so it may be one of those colours that looks awesome on everyone. I only need to use a little bit, applied with my finger, and it gives me this beautiful semi-metallic (but not sparkly) glow. Also, since it's a cream, you can easily build it up or sheer it down depending on what you want. The other day I went out with two layers of Hush and I put some Silver Dusk loose iridescent powder on top for sparkliness, and it was crazy beautiful. I mainly wear it as a highlighter, but if you apply a really thin layer you can wear it all over.

If that's not what you want, try the MSF foundations. I like the powder ones, personally, you can put it over a liquid too if you want and it gives you a purdy semi-glow.


Active member
I think MSF are really glittery. I want to like them but no luck yet.
I love BPs ...they look shimmery but no visible glitter , just a movie star glow.
However I must say that no BP will ever replace my Nars Alabatross. Albatross achives THE perfect "glow from within and I am naturally gorgeous" look.
So even though is not Mac you should give it a try.


New member
Thankyou all so very much. I guess my best bet is a BP.

I would like to use it on top of my studio fix nw40 foundation. I have "honor" blush which i use as a hightlight on my cheekbone and browbone but its wayyyy too glittery and it fails to make my "whole" face glowy/dewy.

Which BP would you suggest??? anyone?


Well-known member
Although you're asking about a beauty powder, if you're all about making your whole face look luminous and glowy, I'd try Armani's Luminous Silk Foundation, it's oil-free and the word "luminous" really hits the key point. You'll get a dewy finish for sure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by slimkim_2
Thankyou all so very much. I guess my best bet is a BP.

I would like to use it on top of my studio fix nw40 foundation. I have "honor" blush which i use as a hightlight on my cheekbone and browbone but its wayyyy too glittery and it fails to make my "whole" face glowy/dewy.

Which BP would you suggest??? anyone?

You could try using one of the loose Beauty Powders...mix it with your foundation (just a wee bit) and buff your foundation on with a 187, it really...really...gives the skin something special.


Well-known member
I have both MSF and Silver Shimmer powders.
Do you mean glow as in highlight? MSF if applied with 187 its not very glowy especially lots of them have either gold or bronzed shimmers.
Silver Shimmer powder is the one I use to highlight.


Well-known member
Do you have any liquid foundation? If you do, mix a little bit of Vanilla pigment with your liquid foundation and apply. It's super cute!!!


Well-known member
I like mixing in a little loose beauty powder to my foundation...or some pigment with a nice soft glowy color...works like a charm : )


Well-known member
Depends on if you're up for a glowy kinda foundation

I actually just use the MSF natural AS my foundation, with concealer underneath. Bear in mind though that it only has light to medium coverage though. MSF natural itself (I think anyways) is super glowy when used with a spritz of fix+ on top.

If you want everything to be glowy, I actually opt for the MSFs. Yes it's true a lot of the MSFs have glitter in them etc, but it really isn't so bad if you work with them. The new MSF (Light Flush) is gorgeous and not glittery though so you might want to give that a try.

Northern Lights... (yes... a glittery horror) is actually really nice too if you work with it. I use my baby kabuki with it, swirl till I can SEE the colour on my brush (not just glitter), then tap my brush and keep tapping till all the flakes and chunks of glitter fall off- THEN buff it in and buff it well! I love using it like that as a glowy blush! Just remember to buff it in reaaaally reallly well!

I don't know about an all over product which will make you more glowy. I guess fix+ could, or maybe lightscapade... at the risk of looking ashy if you have one with lots of blues in it.. or if you have a darker skintone maybe? I tend to go for a range of products together which will make my whole face glowy lol.


MSF Natural, Northern Lights MSF, Emphasize to highlight, Global Glow MSF along jaw... buff it all in well, then spritz it all with fix+!


Active member

I recommend trying out Everyday Minerals Original Glo Formula. Unlike a lot of Mineral make-up, this gives you a good coverage and doesn't look cakey. I learned from Iamgrape1119 on youtube a really awesome method. I spray my kabuki brush or mac 187 with mac fix+ and then use that sprayed brush to apply my mineral make-up. it has just enough shimmers to give that luminosity but doesn't make you sparkle. I LOVE IT! If you have a bit oiler skin, I would recommend the semi-matte formula. check it out! ^___^


Well-known member
I use vitalumier for the face-revlon skin lights or strobe cream on my cheek bones to give me the extra glow on my cheeks..I recommend revlon skin lights.Cheap and worth it


Well-known member
also take super good care of ur facial skin and that will help it glow naturally! clean and clear has a good glow line.