WARM colors!!!! + HELP ME!


just playing around with colors. But I have a question, everyone has a shape to their eyeshadow. Mine is just a blob. How do I make shape? Does that make any sense?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Punkrprincessa

just playing around with colors. But I have a question, everyone has a shape to their eyeshadow. Mine is just a blob. How do I make shape? Does that make any sense?

Eyeshadow Shapes Comes From Using Different Brushes To Create The Shapes That You Want! Again Practice Makes Perfect! Just Start Playing Around With Your Eyeshadow Colors, Once You Put The Colors On Then You Can Start Moving, Blending And Creating Shapes! An Excellent Place To See Different Shapes Created Is In The Tutorial Section! I Hope This Helps You!


New member
Just "draw" the shape you want with the e/s. Brushes will help. Best done with practice to find the shapes that work best for your eye. Make sure to blend the edge of the shape to keep it from looking harsh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 'Nessa
Just "draw" the shape you want with the e/s. Brushes will help. Best done with practice to find the shapes that work best for your eye. Make sure to blend the edge of the shape to keep it from looking harsh.

'Nessa is right - a good brush will help. For the crease, I like MAC's 272 for shaping and 224 for blending.

Looks pretty, though!