I bought the 116 blush brush and the 182 kabuki. They are sooooo soft!!!omg, i've been missing out!! *ahem* anyways, I just wanted some advice on washing them. Especially the 182. Do I reshape it and let it dry standing, laying down....?
I don't reshape my brushes. once they dry i run my fingers through and kind of run them back and forth on my hand and they are normal again.
A lot of people like to stand the brushes up (with the bristle part facing down) so that the water runs down and out instead of up into the brush (where it can damage your brush) i lay mine flat on my dresser with the bristles hanging off the edge.
I just know I'm going to be paranoid for it's first washing! I've never owned a really nice brush before. I bet the 182 takes a long time to dry, huh? I can't wait to break it in today.
I dont have a 187 (unfortunately) but I do have these big powder brushes and my new/used kabuki....they take like almost a day or a day to completely dry.
If you have real hair brushes use a shampoo you would use on your own hair. Baby shampoo is a no no-it is alkaline enough to set a very light perm! (That's why it doesn't make baby's tear when it gets in their eyes. Tears are alkaline.)