Wasted money!


Well-known member
Arghhhhhhhhh i feel SO SICK...

My husband and I were shopping at the mall today and he never ever buys anything for himself. he is totally unselfish and very simple...his bday was in july and he never spent his bday money til now. He needed a hockey stick cuz his broke so he bought a new one.

So we were looking at dvds at walmart and our daughter was getting fussy so we kept handing her back and forth...then we left. we left the hockey stick behind!!!

we didn't realize until we got home and it was too late. he went back but it was gone. the walmart worker said she noticed it there earlier but just left it there UGH!

so we basically threw away $90. we don't have a lot of money, in fact, we're in debt...i'm on mat leave and my husband barely makes enough at his toy store to pay the bills. i just feel so upset about the whole thing cuz my husband never gets himself anything...and we just both forgot about it. And now he has no stick to play hockey, the one thing he does for himself. He doesn't want to spend money on another one either cuz we can't afford it. =(

i just had to get that out. i didn't want to tell my parents cuz they would feel sick about it too


Well-known member
I would do something little and meaningful for him that will make him feel better. Like buy him some flowers and bake him some cupcakes and when he gets home have loads of candles lit. Even if it's not as good, it's the thought that counts. That really sux that happened. How frustrating! Maybe just save up a little bit every month until you can get another one... xx


Well-known member
^^ I agree, save up a little where you can each month until you can buy him another. Sorry this happened to the two of you.


Well-known member
That's really unfortunate and a shame that someone would take something like that that's clearly NOT theirs, but sadly that's how some people operate in this world

I agree with the others, maybe doing something really sweet for him, like all the candles lit & a nice dinner on the table for when he comes home would help to take both your minds off the situation. And I also think it's a great idea to save a little each month so you can get him a new one in the future, only if it's like $10.


Well-known member
Aww! I definitely like the baking him a lil sumthin sumthin idea..it'll make him feel better

Ms. Z

Well-known member
So sorry you guys had to go through that.

I'm surprised that the store didn't replace it, they could check the security cameras & know that you are telling the truth about leaving it behind.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ZLoves2Shop
So sorry you guys had to go through that.

I'm surprised that the store didn't replace it, they could check the security cameras & know that you are telling the truth about leaving it behind.

i thought about that too but we didn't purchase the stick from walmart, we purchased it from another store in the mall. i don't think they care though they acted like we were inconveniencing them when we called. we think maybe a walmart worker just kept it...who knows


Well-known member
Oh my god that's awful!

Just try to be cheerful and help him keep his head up rather than dwell on it... what's done is done - bad things happen in life, unfortunately. He obviously has a great wife and an adorable daughter so he will feel better soon.