*Wave* Hi

My name is Sarah, I am new to these forums! I have just discovered my love for makeup, which is sad considering I am 23 years old. I never knew how to apply makeup (other than simple eye shadow, blush and lip gloss). I started watching tutorials and realizing that make up is an art.

I also love how it makes me feel, it gives me confidence! I love talking about makeup and i hope to learn new tips from everyone here!




Well-known member
Hi Sarah! I am 32 and in the same boat as you so don't feel bad at 23. lol. I also have recently discovered, beyond a little lipstick and blush, how much fun and how much of an art make up is and I am having a great time here on Specktra. I have learned so much much from all the great people on here. Welcome and enjoy.


Well-known member
Welcome Sarah! And hey, I got hooked at 21, and many start much later. I'm sure your wallet thanks you for holding off this long.