so heres the dilema, I'm still wearing the same hair color I chose to dye my hair when I was15 UGHH. It's not a bad shade, it's actually a very common one and has suited me just fine all this time..the thing is I'm 26 yo now & it's becoming to be BLAH...(same old same old) it looks natural on me (IMO) but to others, not so much, they immediately or at some point ask do you dye your hair? when I say yes..they tend to say " Oh I think you would look so cute if your hair was brown" or one girl even told me that black hair looks a little too harsh on me.. I didn't think that could be possible afterall I am african american and alot of us were born with black or dark brown hair..but thats the thing I was one that was born a red head as I got older my hair gradually got darker and turned reddish brown then brown after that.. there is no name I can find to desribe my hair color, I just always disliked it, when I got old enough I dyed it what I thought would be a more natural color for me (Black) NOW I just want to change from black hair to brown or reddish brown but I'm not sure how to do that without going to a now I'm asking for some advice from the NC43-NC45 skintone range I would like to know what colors have you tried to dye your hair and achieved success with or if you've had good results with highlights please list that as well. If you are not in the skintone family but have experience with hair color and people with yellow undertones please feel free as well to offer advise thank you for your time!!!