We need as much help as we can get.


Well-known member
Last September my best friend's little sister was shot and killed by her boyfriend. It was deemed an accident, but basically what happened was that they were messing around with the gun when he pointed at her & pulled the trigger (he said he didn't know it was loaded-but the type of gun it was, you can see the frikin shell).

Basically this kid has grown up around guns his whole life (those of you from the country know how it is-hunting & all), but he was obsessed with guns. He wanted to be a gangster. You know that pic of the Virginia Tech guy where he was holding the two guns, pointing them at the camera? We found that exact poses (and several others) when cleaning out her room.

So it's getting time for sentencing. The judge is considering giving him 1-4 years, but changing his status to Youthful Offender (meaning that once he gets out of jail he will have no criminal record & can go purchase a new gun the next day if he chooses). I understand that he will have to live with the guilt for the rest of his life, but his life will go on...Nikki will not have another chance.

So anyways....the local news ran a poll thing on it today. So I ask that if any of you can find it in your hearts, please read the article below & email your response to the address at the end. I believe that we will be able to take the responses to court with us to be read before sentencing.

Here's the article:
17-year-old Alexander Cushman has one week to decide whether he'll go to prison or stand trial for killing his girlfriend. Last September, Cushman pointed a loaded shotgun at Nikki Smith. The teen claims the gun went off by accident. Today, Judge Walter Hafner said if Cushman pleads guilty to criminally negligent homicide, the teen would get one to four years in prison. And then youthful offender status, which means his conviction would be vacated after he's out. The offer did not set well with the victim's mother. What do you think?

Email us your fast feedback:

[email protected]


Well-known member
Email sent. That would be a HUGE miscarriage of justice.


Well-known member
Thank you all sooooooooo much!!

They posted a lot of the responses and seriously it was the most that I've ever seen from one of the feedback questions (and they do them every day).


Well-known member
Last week he entered a plea of guilty.

He will still be getting youthful offender, but the judge made him sign this document so that he will never be able to own a gun (not that that made a whole hell of a lot of difference since he wasn't legally able to own those guns in the first place), but I suppose it was the better than nothing.

Sentencing is at the end of the month. I can't help but be a bit glad that he will be spending his 18th birthday (July 7th) in a state prison.


Well-known member
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I'm sorry for you, your friend and her family... everyone involved. My prayers will be with you as the rest of this goes down. I hope that your friend and her family can find some sort peace out of this mess.

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