we need reviews, people!


Well-known member
Come on lovely ladies and gentlemen, I've read/seen the pics/lists of your traincases - so why aren't there more reviews?! Even if we all just do 2 of a product not already listed, we can get the review forum nice and fat. I'll list the 2 products I review here, hopefully others will follow!

Sorry if it sounds pushy, it's just that you all seem to give fantastically helpful descriptions, and I love reading the reviews, getting new ideas on how to use what I have etc. Think of this as a gentle nudge!


Well-known member

Just for reference's sake, I reviewed:

Royal Wink fluidline
Beautiful Iris v/p e/s

Will be curious to see what others end up reviewing!


Well-known member
Holy crap, the review forum is amazing! I was hoping people would post what products they reviewed, but no matter; obviously lots of us are reviewing like mad. Thanks so much people!!!


Well-known member
Same here.
I feel bad for not doing any on Specktra, but MUA's interface is much more familiar to me.


Well-known member
I completely understand that too; I do like that one can tell what collection items are from, but we've got the colour stories thingie for that too. I meant mainly MAC reviews anyway, but for some reason this thread ended up here in the general m/u one. Oh well!


Well-known member
I did a couple of reviews,but still there's no response from other girls concerning the reviews topic!Most of you own sooooooooooo much stuff,so please take 2 minutes and review some of the items you own to help the rest of the girls!