we need reviews, people!


Well-known member
Come on lovely ladies and gentlemen, I've read/seen the pics/lists of your traincases - so why aren't there more reviews?! Even if we all just do 2 of a product not already listed, we can get the review forum nice and fat. I'll list the 2 products I review here, hopefully others will follow!

Sorry if it sounds pushy, it's just that you all seem to give fantastically helpful descriptions, and I love reading the reviews, getting new ideas on how to use what I have etc. Think of this as a gentle nudge!


Well-known member

Just for reference's sake, I reviewed:

Royal Wink fluidline
Beautiful Iris v/p e/s

Will be curious to see what others end up reviewing!


Well-known member
Holy crap, the review forum is amazing! I was hoping people would post what products they reviewed, but no matter; obviously lots of us are reviewing like mad. Thanks so much people!!!


Well-known member
Same here.
I feel bad for not doing any on Specktra, but MUA's interface is much more familiar to me.


Well-known member
I completely understand that too; I do like that one can tell what collection items are from, but we've got the colour stories thingie for that too. I meant mainly MAC reviews anyway, but for some reason this thread ended up here in the general m/u one. Oh well!


Well-known member
I did a couple of reviews,but still there's no response from other girls concerning the reviews topic!Most of you own sooooooooooo much stuff,so please take 2 minutes and review some of the items you own to help the rest of the girls!


Well-known member
Yea! Thanks guys! Have you noticed how many pages of reviews there are? And thanks to whoever moved this here...the mods must actually read the posts. Yippee!


Well-known member
Yeah, I know you guys do, Juneplum. Has anyone noticed how big the MAC review forum has got?! It's great! Even people adding to existing ones is excellent (noticed that happening with some new items I listed).

This is a really nice online community to be part of, even if it's bad for the wallet *wink*


Well-known member
hmm...maybe I didn't do it right but I just tried to post a review of So Original Lipstick. I bought it & am so in love with it right now I wanted to pass the word. Either I didn't say the right things & it was deleted before I even saw it go up, or my "Post" button doesn't work. Oh well...anyone reading it here, I highly recommend this LE lipstick! I'm going to get at least 1 more before they're gone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sigwing
hmm...maybe I didn't do it right but I just tried to post a review of So Original Lipstick. I bought it & am so in love with it right now I wanted to pass the word. Either I didn't say the right things & it was deleted before I even saw it go up, or my "Post" button doesn't work. Oh well...anyone reading it here, I highly recommend this LE lipstick! I'm going to get at least 1 more before they're gone.

The reviews forums are moderated now to ensure proper posting format is adhered to. So it takes just a little while for posts to show.


Well-known member
Thanks! I figured maybe I didn't do it right, then probably ended up with 2 of them so at least one will truly need to be deleted! I hadn't seen the guidelines before I did the first one anyway. :\

I just got so excited about my new lipstick!