weird question - bad odor


Active member
I went through the color correction process on Saturday and that stuff smells horrible! I've washed my hair numerous times since then and my hair still has that awful perm/rubbery smell. I'm assuming that the smell will eventually go away, but is there any secret to getting rid of it sooner than later? I was thinking that if I used one of those at home hot oil treatments it might help, but I'm not sure.

I have an appointment in two weeks for another correction session, but I think I might cancle it if I can't get the smell to go away. So any advice would be much appreciated!!


Well-known member
The smell will go away, but you can't speed the process up any, unfortunately.
I work in a salon and that smell will linger for HOURS just in the salon alone, so it'll definately stay longer in someone's hair.

But it should be gone before your next appointment. If it's not, ask them what products they're using and what you can do to lessen the smell (if anything-