Weird question!


Well-known member
Do any of you shaver the hair on your arms? If so, how does it come back? (fine, itchy etc...)
I really want to wax it or just shave it off but husband thinks it's a bad idea.


Well-known member
i was just wanting to do the same thing, but my husband said don't do it. my hairs are blonde and no one can see them, but it bugs the hell out of me. i know when you shave them they come back stubbly. waxing, i dont think its as stubbly. but im not sure. i waxed arms in school, but never paid attention to regrowth..


Well-known member
Shaving only cuts through the dead hair shaft so won't have any effect on regrowth texture or rate at all. Waxing pulls the hair out at the root and can weaken the follicle which will result in finer regrowth. There is a danger of getting ingrown hairs from both methods of hair removal so be careful to exfoliate regularly afterwards. If anyone has a big problem with ingrown hairs, Tend Skin is very good.


Well-known member
Don't shave. The hair will just grow back like it does on you legs...stubbley. I recommend waxing it off. I wax mine all the time.


Well-known member
My sister does it, and though the silky-ness of her arms is nice, the stubble that grows hours after isn't...I would wax before I shaved, hth!


Well-known member
I use the Veet bladeless hair removal kit that I use on my legs. It took 2 tries (24 hrs apart) to get the hair off my arms the first time because I didn't want to leave it on too long and I have lots of baby fine blond hair on my arms, but now it comes off really easily and stays SMOOTH for 4-5 days, and it's not nearly as stubble-y growing back as shaving. Definitely test it first because a lot of people react badly to it, but I have pretty damn sensitive skin and it works for me. Also makes the backs of your arms and your elbows smoother than ANY kind of exfoliator or lotion, BELIEVE ME!


Well-known member
I shave mine b/c my arm hair is fine and a pale blonde, so not worth waxing at all. I've been doing it for a few years and have never had an issues like ingrowns, itchyness, etc.


Well-known member
I did once upon a time in high school and can't say it made it grow back worse or anything. But for some reason, the hair has become much finer and I think it even disappears and regrows periodically. Bizarre thing, the body.


Well-known member
I have fairly dark arm hair, and in high school I was incredibly self-conscious about it, so I used to bleach it because I was scared to shave it (don't know why I was scared, hehe, just was). That worked out pretty well, except that it was sort of a pain to do with any regularity. I wouldn't shave them now, personally, just because I have a hard enough time keeping up with shaving my legs (hey, when you're wearing pants in the winter, a little hair is like some extra insulation, right?
), that I don't think I could throw two more limbs onto the "need-to-be-shaved" list.


Well-known member
I have dark hair on my arms. It bothers me a LOT cos I got teased about it when I was younger, however no one even notices it anymore. I wax it regularily though. Do not shave it!! Dermatologists even recommend waxing over shaving the arms. In the end the results are better, last longer, and you're not stubbly like you get with shaving.

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