Well, it finally happened. And believe it or not-I'm not surprised


Well-known member
I'm gonna sound like a royal bitch here (hence-my name) but do any of you know someone you *know* is going to OD? I mean you just know it?

Well I knew someone. There was this kid in elementary school I went to school with. He was a short kid i mean at 20 he was about 5'0. Well I just knew-I couldn't explain it that one day that kid would OD and die.

Well it finally happened and the door opened, mom came in and said-You remember that kid you went to school with? You hated his sister but he was pretty OK? Well he's dead. I asked her how and she said it was Drugs.

I'm not surprised. I'm sad yes, but not surprised.

He was a smart kid to, he could've been anything but he chose to do drugs because they were cool. Pretty big price to pay to pretend to be cool.

Well there isn't too much to do about it now. It's just sick to me. These choices people make that destroy not only their lives but the lives of others. But-it's OK as long as they feel good! I know I'm sounding so judgemental and I know that soon it becomes addictions and you would rather sell your soul then to go without drugs but it is still so sad because it ultimately destroyed him.

I just hope his family can see themselves through this-I know that has to be hard for them.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear that.
It could have been a suicide, too, you know. I knew a fellow who OD'd, and it was on purpose. Very sad.


Well-known member
yeah i know how you feel, im waiting for the day i find my sister dead, shes addicted to speed, has been for ....as long as i can remember. extremely frustrating

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I've known many people like that. It's not just drugs. They get themselves in some sort of bad situation and then it kills them (gangs, crimes, etc.) The saddest that comes to mind is a kid who was brilliant, did drugs to the point he had some sort of heart disease, and died at 20something from it. His sister, who was also a heavy drug user, was devastated; I hope she got herself into rehab.

It's sad, especially when it's someone you knew all your life. You expect it, but it's still so surreal. I hope that you send your condolensces to the family


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I've known many people like that. It's not just drugs. They get themselves in some sort of bad situation and then it kills them (gangs, crimes, etc.)

I think that is what is so frustraiting to me. I mean it's like-WTH are you thinking? You know it will kill you, you know it's bad for you so why do insist on doing it? *sigh* And it just infuriates me because these people that *have* to trade in their lives for whatever the thrill is-they could be the ones that can cure cancer or AIDS or anything! They could be the next musical genius! They could be our next Picasso, Rembrant or Van Gogh! *sigh* It just infuriates me.

little teaserwhat did he od on?

Sorry babe-i haven't found it appropriate to ask.


Well-known member
That's very sad to hear. I know what you mean about not being surprised though. My ex-best friend is a straight up alcoholic at the rip age of 20! Two years ago she told me "I can't have fun unless I'm drunk. What's the point of going out if you're not gonna get f'ed up?" That's when we stopped being best friends.

I'm waiting for the day that I hear she died of alcohol poisoning or that she died in an accident while driving drunk. I guess all you can really do is try to give advice to those that you can. If they want to take it they can, if not then hopefully they don't harm anyone else in their path of self-destruction.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
That's very sad to hear. I know what you mean about not being surprised though. My ex-best friend is a straight up alcoholic at the rip age of 20! Two years ago she told me "I can't have fun unless I'm drunk. What's the point of going out if you're not gonna get f'ed up?" That's when we stopped being best friends.

Does she drink all the time? Or just when she's partying?

Sounds like almost everyone I knew in college lol... Most get through it just fine.


Well-known member
i know what you meen... i had many good friends that used drugs. for a long time i thought i can get them out of it and help them, but i understood later that it's imposible, it only made them lie to me about it.
since i saw these relationships only do me bad, i stoped all contact with them, and i don't even know if they're alive today. maybe some of them aren't anymore.


Well-known member
I know it sounds awful but I know what you mean. At my high school there were a lot of kids like that, and the same thing happened about 3 years ago. This kid I knew (one of those guys...) was at a college party (but it just so happens he wasn't even in the school) and mixed some lethal combination of drugs and alcohol and wound up dead in the bushes. I felt bad, but in a way I kind of expected it. It's sad that people live lives that way though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Does she drink all the time? Or just when she's partying?

Sounds like almost everyone I knew in college lol... Most get through it just fine.

Yea pretty much. When you head to the bar on Thursday and Sunday just to get those extra days of drinking ... that's a problem.


Well-known member
It is sad, very sad taht people choose this life over soberiety BUT not everyone does it to be cool. Drugs are hella addictive, make you feel like you're having the time of your life and make you feel so good... I know, I do drugs myself, but please don't hate me or shun me just because of it. It's the choice I've mad (I'm in no way addicted tho) and it doesn't affect you, or those around me.


Well-known member
that's rough, i'm so sorry.

my uncle was really smart too..i mean certifiably genius, but he got into drugs as a teen too. he didn't OD, but he commited suicide when he was under the influence of drugs before i was born. my other uncle followed in his foot steps when i was 7 years old. drugs are such a terrible thing to lose people to.

little teaser

Well-known member
i dont think people start useing drugs thinking i want to be a addict and ruien my life and hurt the people i love
i think they do it for fun and to feel good and befor they know it they lost control and become addicted and it becomes a diease..

young teens always think the worst cant happen to them they truley are in deniel thats why theres alot of teenage pregnant girls.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by bAbY_cHiCkEn01
It is sad, very sad taht people choose this life over soberiety BUT not everyone does it to be cool. Drugs are hella addictive, make you feel like you're having the time of your life and make you feel so good... I know, I do drugs myself, but please don't hate me or shun me just because of it. It's the choice I've mad (I'm in no way addicted tho) and it doesn't affect you, or those around me.

There is a difference between being a user and an addict. Virtually anything can be an addiction, although I think it's easier to develop a dependency on drugs.

It's sad to see someone get addicted to substances. It's even sadder when you have family/friends, people who've stuck by them through thick and thin, reaching out and telling them that they have a problem and need help and the addict turning away.


Well-known member
i do know someone who is inevitably heading there. it is the most horrible feeling to watch someone that you love treat their life as if it is so miniscule.