Well-plumed quad

Hi girls,

I'm quite upset that I got a fake well plumed quad from ebay
I've only just become a fan of mac products so this is a let down, but I will continue on my search for this quad.
please could u help me and advise what ebay seller is selling the authentic well-plumed quad??

i'd really appreciate your help on this


m x


Well-known member
I feel terrible for you....

Could you possibly take pictures of it?? I've never herd of a fake well plumed quad. I'm sure everyone on the community would appreciate it a lot!


Well-known member
Are you sure it is a fake? Perhaps it just has a sample sticker on the back? Post some pics here and we'll help make sure it is counterfeit and then you can ask for a refund from the E-bay seller.
hi thanks for ur replys girls

i'm quite sure it's fake because of the bottom part of the plastic container. It's not the same as the originals right?

I still really want the quad and was thinking getting it from ann's beauty boutique on ebay http://stores.ebay.co.uk/ANNS-BEAUTY-BOUTIQUE
but not sure:S

here's a pic of the (fake?) quad..

i hope the attachment works btw!


Well-known member
Could you take a closer pic of it, it's really hard to tell from that far away.

Not to say your quad is fake, but I never heard of a quad being fake yet.

The seller's pic of another well-plumed auction seems okay to me. Nothing obviously fake.


Well-known member
I've never heard of a fake quad either, and from your pic, it looks real to me. Maybe a closer pic would help us to be able to tell whether it is or not


Well-known member
Where are the indents you are referring to? The quad looks fine to me but the picture is still too small really.


Well-known member
Do you actually have the quad yet? Pictures can sometimes be decieving. I'd wait until I receive it then make sure it's real, in that picture, it doesn't look fake to me.
hmm maybe i'm being too cautious about this?!
I should be glad u all think this is ok right, and i'm just about convinced. I think it's the camera's light shining on the black base that makes it look like it has indents that are different from the authentic mac quads.

so I think this is real?!!i'll be so pleased if it really is and I will definitely post a HUGE pic when i get it!

thanks for ur replies, i really appreciate ur help!!<3
Hi thanks for all ur posts- I haven't been able to download a pic of the quad but it was real. Whilst on the subject of fakes- everyone be really careful of BARBIE PLAYFUL fakes. As a swapper on MUA I received a fake playful barbie eyeshadow- luckily I also had the real one to compare it with.


Well-known member
But there are 2 slightly different Playful eyeshadows....the one in the pot with the Barbie indentation and the Playful from the UK/Asia exclusive Dolly Mix quad. They're both slightly different.
Was the eysahdow you suspect to be fake depotted? If so it may have been from the Dollymix quad. There were swatches on Livejournal comparing the two Playfuls a week or so back.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stellarx1587
Maybe the indents are from the clear plastic inserts? But they look authentic to me too.

That's what I was wondering... I have both those quads and those look like the ones I have, although a closer look would definitely help. Well, we'll see when you get it!