Well. Today is the day!


Well-known member
I'm turning in my request to work with the local hospice. I'm so nervous!

I went up there the other day to talk to the volunteer director and she showed me around the place and I got to talk to some of the patients. It was very nice place. It was just sad because as we were walking around she kept telling me how you have to be emotionally ready for everything and I told her that I found it very sad that I may be looking at a person today and that may be the last time I ever get to see them.

But at the same time I'm very excited. You all know I'm planning on going to a graduate school but it's going to be very expensive. I spoke with the head nurse and she has given me information on how to get a CNA and then they said they wanted to hire me. So that will be able to start a nice way to get some cash to head over to the grad school.

I'll admit-I have very very mixed feelings about this-I guess it's just constant second guessing myself. :/

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I didn't know you were going to go to grad school.

While I don't know you in real life, but you seem to have a level head on this board. I think working hospice is going to be very emotionally difficult, but I think you can handle it. Good luck!