Went climbing tonight. :)


Well-known member

The six year old had a few moments of frustration, but by damn he was going to conquer the wall.
He made it to the top in three different places and impressed me by attacking a reverse incline like it was public enemy number one.
The 13 year old was quite happy to bounce all over the place, and actually pushed himself, which is quite a surprise, considering he's much more the laid back and just let things happen type.
I didn't get to climb as much as I would normally have because I was belaying Tate and I'm not about to let him be unsupervised while I'm on a wall, he could be hurt too easily and just no.
So, I didn't get to do as much as I normally would have, like I said, but that's okay, because I think my knee needed a break.
*note to self: when belaying, wear GLOVES!!!*
Thanks for looking!


Well-known member
That looks so amazing! I want to try right now! I showed my hubby and we are going to put it on the "to do" list! He used to climb outdoors, but I never have. Your kids are lucky to have such an adventurous mom! I get a giggle when I try to imagine my mom taking us to do that when I was your kids age!


Well-known member
it IS a lot of fun.

And, it's a kick ass workout too. Only thing is if you have your nails done, you have to file them back to 'natural' length or you can't grip the holds.

God I just looked at those shots, how unflattering


Well-known member
Looks like you were having a good time!! That's a great activity to do w/ your kids (especially high-energy boys!). I don't think we have any climbing areas anywhere close to me...probably somewhere near the Hartford area...I am SO afraid of hieghts, though, (I mean REALLY, TERRIFICALLY TERRIFIED....most people's fear of hieghts doesn't even come close to mine..I have panic attacks on bridges
) so I don't know if I could ever do rock climbing (maybe indoor...I know I could never do outdoor). Have you done any outdoor yet? If not, are you planning to?


Well-known member
I have no intention really of doing outdoor climbing, at this point. I muuuuuuch prefer the controlled atmosphere of indoors (not to mention the airconditioning!!!) as well as the convenience.

I cured all of my fears of heights on Victory Tower while I was in the army.


Well-known member
It's good exercise that's for sure!

The husband went with me today...

He raced me, we tied, after racing the 13 y/o and slipping.


Well-known member
Thank you

I'm sure they think I'm a mean mom...I mean come on! I make them do homework and clean bathrooms and mow yards and stuff.
Not to mention vacuum and unload/reload the dishwasher and clean the pool!!

Thank you so much for that comment though, because I think...no, I know I actively try to be a positive part of my kids' lives.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'm sure they think I'm a mean mom...

LOL, my girls think the same and they say that my favorite words are "no and maybe"


Well-known member
Mine think that when I say "We'll see..." it means "Not a chance..."

(Ok, so usually it does, but...whatever.
There are times it means "Later"