What are the staples?


Well-known member
I'm slowly starting to grow my Mac collection and get some ideas of the best shades. I'm focusing on eye and lip products (as I don't wear anything skin makeup). All recommendations are greatly appreciated.. and will probably be draining my bank account in a week.

Also.. what are your opinions of ccb's. I read the artists' profiles and it always seems to get rave reviews.


Well-known member
My favorites are:

I love shimmermoss, coppering, sushi flower, d'bohemia - heck I love them all
lipglass I love Gitane -star nova
I'm new to mac also.


Well-known member
My staples:

EYESHADOWS - Metamorph, Brill, Ricepaper, Pollen, Parrot, Sushi Flower, Gorgeous Gold, Bagatelle, Aquadisiac
FLUIDLINES - Rich Ground, Shade, Blacktrack
LIPSTICK - Dainty Cake, High Tea, Monarch, Viva Glam V, Pink Apertif
LIPGLASS/LUSTERGLASS - Tartlette, Flash of Flesh, Flusterose, Beaute, Sunny Boy

ccb's are overrated and kind of useless aside from being blushes or highlighters. they have no staying power and crease like crazy. very greasy and gross.


Well-known member
eye shadows: shroom, mulch, embark, bagatelle, paradisco

lustreglass: sar nova, love nectar

lipglass: c-thru

i like fawntastic and hush CCB, but they crease really easily. So i'm trying to figure out how to have them NOT crease


Well-known member
eyes: shroom e/s, haux e/s, nylon e/s, mulch e/s, cork e/s, showstopper e/s, fiber rich lash in black

lips: petting pink tinted lip conditioner, instant gold lipglass


Well-known member
As a MA, I like CCB's for photography, and for back to back appointments, because they are versatile and easy to apply when you are strapped for time. I think that may be why all of the artists like it-- it makes our job easier.

As a MACaholic, I don't like CCBs and I don't use them on myself. :p

Some of the staples in my stash:
Vanilla and Rose pigment
Teddy and Smolder eye kohls
Stillife and Bare Canvas Paint
Clear lipconditioner

Everything else depends on your own makeup style. I agree with what everyone else mentioned for eye shadows. My faves are Sprout, Naked Lunch, Parrot, and Bagatelle (this list changes almost daily).


Well-known member
These comments have definately helped
(especially those in regards to ccbs) and i'll be sure to try these out when i go sunday/monday


Well-known member
Eyes : Naked Lunch, Mulch, Carbon, Teddy eye kohl.
Lips : Subculture lip pencil, Viva Glam V lipglass, Prrr lipglass.

Shoe Crazy

Well-known member
I will probably repeat some of what has been mentioned above..

Eyeshadow: Shroom, retro-speck, gleam, honey lust, vanilla, swish, mythology (you may or may not like the lusture's starting out i love them but some don't)

Lipstick: Viva Glam V

Lipglass: Tongue in chic (i hope they still carry that), nymphette, flusterrose, c-thru, clear lip glass, luminary.

Have Fun!


eyes: white frost, black tied, swish, aquadiasiac, hepcat, phone number eye kohl, zoomlash black

lips: ooh baby, nymphette, spice lip pencil (my favorite mac item)


Well-known member
Eyes: vanilla, wedge, cork, bare canvas, trax, shale

Lips: nymphette, dreamy, flusterrose, whirl liner

Have you thought about getting a Nordstroms Anniversary lip or eye set? They will be out in July!