What are YOU getting from the 07 holiday collections?


Well-known member
Well the title says it all! what do you love? what are you excited about the most?

im interested mostly in:

- Finery (Lip Bag x 3) in; Coral or Pink [is it just me or does it seem like in all of these sets theres at least 1 very dark lipstick? im a pale blonde and would not suit dark! so maybe i might waste my money if i do buy one of these]

- All of the Heirlooms brush sets

- Keep sake set

From Curiousitease:

- im interested in most of it

Thanks to: Risser who posted images of these new products here http://specktra.net/showthread.php?t=79495&page=9


Well-known member
Going to get the smokey, warm and metallic es palettes, coral lip set, basic and eye brush sets, both pigment sets, and I think that is about it. THANKFULLY my birthday is around the same time, so I know exactly what to ask for for my birthday.


Well-known member
The pigment sets, depending on the colors. Otherwise, I think most everything I get will be a duplicate of what I already have.


Well-known member
All of the Curiousitease collection, Smokey Palette from Royal Assets, and one of the Finery lip bags (whichever is the most pink).


Heirlooms brush box FOR SURE! Since I'm new to mac products, I don't have any brushes yet, except for the 266.

I'm also getting both pigment sets. I have to try out more colours...
I LOVE pigments, and I keep hearing good things about them so that's what I'm excited about the most.

Then if I have some extra cash, I'll get the other brush sets as well.


Well-known member
*~*I want the Keepsake, Royal Assets (eyes), Pignment set, Softsparkle eye pencils, Richmetal eye creams, Sheer Mystery Powder, and Diamond Powder!!! I can't wait!!!*~*


Well-known member
I want all of it but I must limit myself.

2 eye palette
1 lip palette
2 lip bags - pink and plum
eye brush set
both pigment sets
soft sparkle set
l/g set


Well-known member
basically... a shitload


Well-known member
Oh, I wish I was rich or something..

So, I think I'll have enough for one of the Royal assets shadows, and Finery lip bags... I'm not sure which ones yet...
And maybe, just maybe Curiousitease pigments... < how much will these be?


Well-known member
Things that have piqued my interest:
Metallic/Warm/Smoky Eye palettes
Pink Finery lip set

I am really interested in seeing the eye palettes, lots of people say on here that they don't really use theirs, but I use my Smoky and Warm from Holiday 06 all the time.


Well-known member
-maybe all 3 brush sets
-pink & coral finery

-Softsparkle pencil set
-both piggie sets

Heirlooms Brush Box


Well-known member
as of right now i'm most interested in the softsparkle eye pencil set

i may be excited about the pigments, but ill have to see what pigments are in there.

so far none of the pallettes interest me EXCEPT maybe the metallic eyes, which ill need to see more up close.

anndd same story on the little baggies with 2 lipsticks and a lipglass; need to see the colors more up close!