Originally Posted by celestia
monter: YAY! industrial psych
I'm not entirely familiar with an 'honours minor' History of ideas DOES sound interesting! I wish we had something like that offered here. haha I love how different (or similar) education systems can get
MAN I wish our trials were more theatrical... are there national mock trial competitions of any sort? haha that in itself would be a marvelous spectacle I'd love to experience- even just once!
It sounds like you've experienced a wide spectrum in the field of study. I'm impressed xD
Info on History of Ideas from my University.
It's kind of an obscure field of study; I've only heard of a couple of other colleges that offer anything like that. It's called an honors minor because only students that are in the honors program can take classes in that field (unless they get permission from their guidance counselor).
There are law school trial teams in the US! It's a huge deal at my school. My law school has one of the top trial teams in the country.
I don't participate on the team myself, but I did take two classes in Trial Advocacy (which is basically just learning how to put on a trial!), and my profs were the coaches of the trial team. I feel very, very prepared as far as stepping into a courtroom now. It's scary, but it's fun once you get the hang of it!
I know you asked someone else this, but in the US, you don't have to take any specific kind of major in undergrad to get into law school. It's based on academic performance in general, plus your scores on your LSAT (which is a hellish standardized test just for law school admissions). I'm 99% sure you have to have completed undergraduate in order to get into law school in the US; you can't go straight out of high school.
Everyone here has such interesting backgrounds! Fun to see that all of us MAC lovers are interested in such a wide variety of things.