What are your favorite combos including Satin Taupe ?


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I just love this e/s so much, and find that neutral combos are what I go for mostly ... so could you let me know your favorites to try ?


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I like using rice paper on the lid and satin taupe in the outer crease. Shroom to highlight


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Shroom on the lid with Satin Taupe in the crease and outer V.
Jest on the lid, Satin Taupe in the crease, and Handwritten in the outer V.
Constructivist Paint Pot on the lid and into crease, Satin Taupe over that and under bottom lashline, Handwritten in the outer V.
Swish on the lid, Satin Taupe in crease and outer V, Shroom to highlight.


Well-known member
I swear that satin taupe goes with almost everything! I am going to have to try the combos above! Satin taupe is my #1 MAC eye shadow.


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electra & satin taupe in the crease


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The Stowaways quad has this amazing yellow color that goes so beautifully with ST. This was a very under-appreciated quad, because the colors kind of looked ugly in the quad but ended up being a great investment!


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On my NW15 skin I like using gesso lash to brow, satin taupe in the crease, and contrast blended into the outer crease and V


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I combine it with almost everything...
Trax, Woodwinked, Neutral Pink, Star Violet, Vanilla, Jest, Club, Melon pigment...
But my 2 favorite combos with it are Satin Taupe on lid and Blackberry in the crease; and Shale on lid and Satin Taupe in crease.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jamie89
best best best combo is naked lunch on lid and satin taupe on outer v and in crease!



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Satin Taupe, Aquadisiac and Vanilla pigment is my absolute favourite combo (Dipdown to line), or I sometimes replace Aquadisiac with a purple like Plum or Pearl Of The Earth.


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my fave combo is leisuretime or star violet on the lid, sketch or trax in my crease, and pink bronze (pigment) on my brow......
i'm a slave to anything purple so that's what i usually wear.
HOWEVER, when i don't wear that i'm usually wearing coppering or cranberry, tilt or freshwater, and tan on the brow