What are your favorite human body odours and why ?


What particular (as in a certain body part, but excluding any body parts relating to waste excretion) male or female human (from a much younger or older person, but excluding yourself) human body odours do you most love (like say after somene has bathed / washed their hair with any greatly admired, favorite type of soap and / or shampoo you greatly love, that both have great fragrances) and please say why, for any favorite human body odours mentioned.


Well-known member
I love the smell of my fiance's neck after he puts on his hugo boss cologne. I just sniff him all night long lol


Well-known member
i love how my bh smells in the morning when i get up and we snuggle, it's his personal scent... but i like his neck too when he wears his fragrance


Well-known member
I love the smell of babies. They pretty much always smell good (before or after a bath...doesn't matter)

I LOVE smelling my boyfriends armpits. It might sound gross, I don't care. His sweat turns me on. Whether he's wearing deodorant or not, or if he's been sweating all day or not, I just lay on his chest with my face in his armpit and smell away. I love it. and of course i love when he wears his colognes too

my moms hair always smells good. we use the same shampoo most of tyhe time but her hair smells better than mine


Well-known member
Thanks for reminding me CanAffordMac! I love the smell of babies so much! When I'm holding my cousin and smelling her baby smell, it just makes my heart melt. She's so snuggly too, she's seven months old and she just melts into your arms. I miss her so much.

Anyway, the other smell I like is when my boyfriend is all sweaty... Pretty much any body part. I also like getting him sweaty
. And I love people's hair after it's been washed. And certain people just have their own scent you know?


Well-known member
I like the smell of my guy's natural breath. It just has a certain scent that is 'him' when hes talking real close to me or we're lying in bed. It's not a bad smell or a good smell (toothpaste or anything) but just some natural something that I like! Weirdddd


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
I like the smell of my guy's natural breath. It just has a certain scent that is 'him' when hes talking real close to me or we're lying in bed. It's not a bad smell or a good smell (toothpaste or anything) but just some natural something that I like! Weirdddd

lol well thats pleasant. its a lot better than him having halitosis


Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I love the smell of babies. They pretty much always smell good (before or after a bath...doesn't matter)

I LOVE smelling my boyfriends armpits. It might sound gross, I don't care. His sweat turns me on. Whether he's wearing deodorant or not, or if he's been sweating all day or not, I just lay on his chest with my face in his armpit and smell away. I love it. and of course i love when he wears his colognes too

I seriously thought I was the only one who liked that too....smelling MY boyfriend's armpits, that is. I love the scent of him. He obviously thinks he stinks but I think he smells w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l.

Whenever I get the chance to hold a baby, I always have to get a sniff of their head. They smell sooo good.


Well-known member
I love the fresh smell that my boyfriend has when he's taken a shower. I think he uses Irish Spring in bar form and it smells goooood. lol :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I LOVE smelling my boyfriends armpits. It might sound gross, I don't care. His sweat turns me on. Whether he's wearing deodorant or not, or if he's been sweating all day or not, I just lay on his chest with my face in his armpit and smell away. I love it. and of course i love when he wears his colognes too

Not weird at all! I have to say I don't care for BO, but there's an explanation to why you like that.

On a science program I watched on National Geographic once, they explained that scientists has discovered that our body odor secreted at our armpits and in the genital area contain a genetic code, that will attract other persons with a compatible genetic code. This ensures genetic diversity when mating. Or something like that. It went into lots of details which I don't remember all, but they had a test where various females were tested to sniff odors of various males, and each woman had to chose which odor they liked the most. Then they tested both people's DNA and it found out they were a good genetic match. That's why we also have lots of hair around the genitals and armpits because it traps those odors, which are supposed to attract a matching mate.


Well-known member
I love to smell my boyfriend's armpits and neck, I just love it! he hates when I smell his armpits...
my grandma's hands, even though we live far away, I can remember her smell.
My little sister smell, her neck and her hair, she's 9.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
I like the smell of my guy's natural breath. It just has a certain scent that is 'him' when hes talking real close to me or we're lying in bed. It's not a bad smell or a good smell (toothpaste or anything) but just some natural something that I like! Weirdddd

My bf says he loves this about me too! Lol! Its wierd, but sometimes he just wants to lay close so he can smell my breath dunno:


Well-known member
I love smelling my 13 month old nephew when he's just had a bath. He has that soft, innocent baby smell. I could sniff his little head for hours!

And I love the smell of my man's hair with all the gel & hairspray in it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Not weird at all! I have to say I don't care for BO, but there's an explanation to why you like that.

On a science program I watched on National Geographic once, they explained that scientists has discovered that our body odor secreted at our armpits and in the genital area contain a genetic code, that will attract other persons with a compatible genetic code. This ensures genetic diversity when mating. Or something like that. It went into lots of details which I don't remember all, but they had a test where various females were tested to sniff odors of various males, and each woman had to chose which odor they liked the most. Then they tested both people's DNA and it found out they were a good genetic match. That's why we also have lots of hair around the genitals and armpits because it traps those odors, which are supposed to attract a matching mate.

Anthropologists tell us that hair,epecially on the areas where there are apocrine glands,are primitive scent wicks designed to disperse odor. Desmond Morris has written quite a bit about that (he's an anthropologist who studies human attraction)
People also may unconsciously "assign" an unpleasant odor to people they do not like or that they fear. A police officer I was interviewing a few years back was recalling high school experiences and said "I never like when I had to wrestle Samoans in gym class. They all have a smell." Some people assign smells they consider to be dirty to foreigners,prostitutes,gangmembers,etc. Its a form of predjudice.

I love the smell of the soap aisle in Ross. I particularly love and buy soaps that smell like lavender,almond,banana,etc. I like powdery,marshmallowy smells. I like people who smell like soap and dryer sheets. I had a girlfriend that liked the smell of somewhat dirty hair. She said it smelled like peaches. Dirty hair,I can smell from a mile away,and its an amazing source of dustmites and oils going rancid if not kept clean. Clean hair smells wonderful. I remember Vidal Sassoon had a shampoo that smelled like almonds with a hint of cherry.
Certain smells carry a sentimental-or "scentimental"! value with people-like a freshly bathed baby,milk chocolate,etc.


Well-known member
i love to wake up and run to my nephews crib and smell his neck. its like a mixture of lotion and sweat. i love this smell.
i miss him.