What brushes do you Recommend?


Well-known member
I'm a brush fanatic as well, and have a good solid collection of MAC brushes. My favorites for eyes are:

227 - it's great for highlight application
228 - I have small-ish eyes, and this is great for areas that I just want to add a bit of color without having to touch up what I've already applied

Now, for non-MAC brushes I've found some very good 'special purpose' ones:

Sephora Platinum #25 creamy eye shadow brush - don't let the name fool you - it's great for any shadow application and I like it so much I have 2. It's great for blending and for applying a wash of color as well.

CVS Essence of Beauty crease brush set - this little set is a gem! There are 2 brushes, one small, the other a bit smaller for finer crease definition. I use the smaller one to apply my 'white' shadow to the tear duct area and keep it in my purse for touch-ups during the day. The larger brush is fabulous for my crease area, as it's small and I can place the color where I need it rather than everywhere
. KMart also has a version of this duo under the brand name 'Posh'. They also come in a nifty little carrying case, and have short handles so are great for travel.

For face brushes, my everyday go-to duo is the MAC 187 and 109. I use varous others for powder and blush application but I'm not lost without them.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by LeeleeBell
Hey everyone: what are your thoughts about the 165? I am considering a purchase...

I like the 165 for my cheek contour and sometimes for blush.


Well-known member
Here is my list of go to brushes that I use every day and love.


209(1)-this is the only brush I use for fluid line, I know other's like the 266 but I feel I get so much more precision from the 209
217(4)-without equal for blending and application on larger areas of the eye
219(2)-this is the perfect crease or inner corner brush and works well for lining under the eye for a smudgy look and is great for ES application to the brow
239(4)-this is my all around great for putting color where I want it. It works nicely to blend and can be used precisely even for lining in a pinch
266-a great liner brush for precision shadow placement
242- is what I use to apply paint to smaller areas, also great for concealer when I need a heavier application
252-this is what I use for larger paint applications

I have other eye brushes but find I rarely use any of them

168(2)- my favorite brush for blush and contouring
189- my favorite foundation brush. I have the 190 but find it clumps too easily and I rarely use it now I have the 189
Sonia Kashuk-small contouring blush brush-this seems to no longer be available but I love it's smaller size for precision contouring and highlighting
134 and 182 are both great for powdering

Again, I have other face brushes, but they don't get a lot of use.

The numbers in parentheses are how many I own of that particular brush. FYI, I do have some others by other companies, but these are the heavily used ones.


316 is a great lip brush for precision and smooth application

Don't forget a lash and brow comb, got mine at target. Really think these all work equally well


Well-known member
I'm looking into getting the new UD cream-to-powder foundation. What brush would be the best for applying it? Would makeup sponges work, or would certain brushes give a better finish?


I need little help
I am planing to buy my first mac brush, which one is the best for applying liquid foundation...I have larger pores and small wrinkles so I need camouflage also


Active member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Any tips on what the 187 actually does? *is somewhat embarrased at not knowing*

The 187 brush is great I have 2 & 1 188 (the little one) i use all 3 every time i do my face. I use 187 for blending in my studio fix (i dab it on w/ my fingers first) it give it a airbrushed look, then a 188 w/ skinfinish (it give a nice light coat of powder), then i use my other 187 w/ fix+, i spray fix+ on the brush then shake off any extra, and pat it on my face, it melts the power into my face, Beautiful, Flawless face. I could just get by w/ one of each but i love MAC & these brushes!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LeeleeBell
Hey everyone: what are your thoughts about the 165? I am considering a purchase...

I picked up the 165 this week and it's awesome! You can use it for contouring, applying blush or highlight. The small size makes it great for contouring, definitely recommend it. HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jazmatazz
I picked up the 165 this week and it's awesome! You can use it for contouring, applying blush or highlight. The small size makes it great for contouring, definitely recommend it. HTH!

I bought it a month or two ago at Nordstrom's
So glad I did...I love it too


New member
hi babes. i need some help

i bought 217 and 239 for eyeshadow.

i will like to use frostlite fluidline only on the inner eyelid to create a bigger eyelook. which brush will you girls recommend?

my pair of eyes are uneven as in my right as outer double lid while my left is inner double lid which makes applying eyeliner a chore as i need a really thin line to even out. which brush will you girls recommend? i have very unsteady hands due to health reasons & will like to apply a thin eyeliner!


Active member
You really need the 224 for blending and other things, its way different than the 217, much more fluffy! and instead of the oval shape that the 217 has, its perfectly round, also I would say its a bit more tapered. It has so many uses! Its really nice for softening up the edges to ANY look. Also I like to use this one if im contouring my nose area, I just dip the tip into something like MAC Emote and just run it on either side of the peak on my nose. I also use it to dust powder to set my undereye concealer, and you dont get that too powdery look you can with using a bigger brush. You can use it to apply a wash of color to your entire eyelid. And if your a mineral foundation user, dip the tip of this brush into the powder and stipple onto your blemishes for PERFECT coverage. I use it with BM Matte, LOVE, is all I can say. And of course you can use this for crease color, especially if you want more of a wash of crease color.

Next, another crease/blending brush that is a must have is the 227. Its perfect for detailed crease color application, and since its tapered to a point when used for crease or outer V application the color distributes so that it is darker in the middle and lightly fades out. YAY! I also like this to apply highlight. This brush is like the 224 and the 219 had a baby.


Active member
OOOOO almost forget!

The 222!
Perfect for more detailed crease application, and perfect for outer V application (my fav.)!
Also, use this one with your cream concealer on blemishes, you look serioulsy airbrushed! Just dip the 222 into your concealer of choice, I always reach for MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer in NW 20. Then tap the 222 right onto the middle of the blemish. Then slowly begin tapping around the middle of the blemish, moving further and further away from the middle in a circle pattern around the blemish. Blend in the edges by making a "box" shape around the blemish!


Well-known member
MACs Fringe holiday set are my everyday brushes. I am obsessed with them and I love the black case they came with, so cute! The 129 is my fave for blush bronzer & powder, and the 266 angled brush for eyeliner/innercorners is the best!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LeeleeBell
Hey everyone: what are your thoughts about the 165? I am considering a purchase...

I love the 165! It's the perfect contouring brush. I use it both for precise contouring and highlighting.


Well-known member
I am a newbie in this forum, but not in make up. I've tried a lot of different brands for brushes. Also the MAC ones. But the best brushes in the world are, in my opinion, MUFE brushes. MAC brushes are coarse when compared to MUFE ones.
So, if I have to give a suggestion, go and buy MUFE brushes. Now I simply refuse to buy brushes that aren't by MUFE! (and nothing in this world could convince me to buy a MAC brush again!)


Well-known member
I love both mufe, and MAC brushes and I have both. Mufe makes good quality brushes like MAC just at a slightly cheaper price point. I have used MAC brushes since I started wearing makeup in 1999. I own mac brushes from that time period and they still look and work just fine..I guess I'm saying that MAC brushes last a long time if you take good care of them.


Well-known member
if theres one brush which i could only own form mac it would have to be the 187! ur life wont be the complete without it!! lol

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