What can I do with the e/s I have?


Well-known member
My mom got me an eye quad for Christmas.
She went to the MAC I usually go to, so the MU Artist there helped her pick out shades that compliment the colors I already have.

Usually when I go to MAC, I buy a quad. I suck at going outside of the pre-established quads I already have. I have 11 shadows, but really only am comfortable doing two or three looks with them - one for each quad.

I have Shroom, Bronze, and Embark (that I usually use for a brown smokey eye), Vanilla, Gleam, Star Violet, and Folie (Gleam all over lid, Star Violet in crease, Folie at outer corner, Vanilla for a highlight). I just got Sable, Brun, Da Bling, and Mulch for Christmas. (I just tried a look with Da Bling all over lid, Mulch in the crease, Brun in the outer corner, and Sable over the crease and outer corner, lightly. I like it okay?)

So... what other fun things can I do with these colors? If there are a couple other colors that might be good to get to expand my options (I've been eyeing Amber Lights for awhile!), feel free to tell me that, too.

I'm pale, medium blonde with light blonde highlights, and I have blue-grey eyes (more blue than grey).


Well-known member
I think something with Star Violet and Mulch would be pretty. Depends on your skin tone though.

Get creative with the colors you have!
You can always wash it off if you don't like it!


Well-known member
When you have time, just play with them.

Some of my favorite combinations have come from colors that I never thought I'd wear together.

Also, use some of the FOTDs that you like for placement guidelines replacing the colors used with ones you have.