What can you swap or sell?


Well-known member
I think it's difficult figuring out if a product is ok for swapping or selling. I don't have sooooo much stuff, so some if it may be a couple of years old. For instance I have two Eye Shadows from very high end brands. I have maybe swatched them 2 og 3 times and then they have just been safe and sound in my drawer. But they're maybe 2, max. 3 years old.

I really don't want to sell too old stuff. When is an eyeshadow too old to sell, when it hasn't really been used?

The above is really just an example. What rules do you have for what you will swap or sell?


Well-known member
I think it depends on the person really. If the shadows are dry and kept in a relatively cool and dry place (well cared for even though unused) I might try to sell them, although I'd disclose their age, usage and my price would reflect that. However, you see some pigments on here go for higher prices despite their age and usage (the mattes, rares/HTF's for example) and no one really bats an eye at it despite them being released years ago. Stuff like lip products (lipglass, dazzleglass, balms) that can't be sanitized I would just throw out. They start to smell/separate after awhile anyways no matter how sanitary you are.

Same with cream products like paint pots or cream blushes - I wouldn't want those heavily used. I mean, you COULD wipe off the top layer, but bacteria does thrive below the surface and you do swirl your finger/brush around in them. Although I have purchased those myself (paint pots and CCB's) so I can only speak for myself. My bf would flip out if he knew that (he's a huge germaphobe). And I mean, even if a person says they only used it with clean hands/brushes, you're still taking their word for it. Its up to the buyer to sanitize it again if they really don't want to chance it.

I, however, have eyeshadows that are atleast 4 years old. I also purchased some used screw top ones so I have no idea how old those are! I purchased All Girl, Coco Beach and numerous other HTF pigments that were "used" and those came out over 5 years ago.

Its all buyer preferance and seller disclosure IMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
I think it depends on the person really. If the shadows are dry and kept in a relatively cool and dry place (well cared for even though unused) I might try to sell them, although I'd disclose their age, usage and my price would reflect that. However, you see some pigments on here go for higher prices despite their age and usage (the mattes, rares/HTF's for example) and no one really bats an eye at it despite them being released years ago. Stuff like lip products (lipglass, dazzleglass, balms) that can't be sanitized I would just throw out. They start to smell/separate after awhile anyways no matter how sanitary you are.

Same with cream products like paint pots or cream blushes - I wouldn't want those heavily used. I mean, you COULD wipe off the top layer, but bacteria does thrive below the surface and you do swirl your finger/brush around in them. Although I have purchased those myself (paint pots and CCB's) so I can only speak for myself. My bf would flip out if he knew that (he's a huge germaphobe). And I mean, even if a person says they only used it with clean hands/brushes, you're still taking their word for it. Its up to the buyer to sanitize it again if they really don't want to chance it.

I, however, have eyeshadows that are atleast 4 years old. I also purchased some used screw top ones so I have no idea how old those are! I purchased All Girl, Coco Beach and numerous other HTF pigments that were "used" and those came out over 5 years ago.

Its all buyer preferance and seller disclosure IMO.

Yes you're right. It's just a matter of being honest and open.


Well-known member
When I clear out my collection (which I do reasonably regularly so I can buy more, heehee) I always state how many times something has been used and how old it is. I have a good memory for this kind of thing, fortunately. I just listed a bunch of stuff that I know has only been used once or twice each, max. On Trademe (New Zealand's version of ebay) people lap up the bathroom clearout's - you'll list something for $1 and in the blink of an eye it'll be up to $30. Although some people list stuff that states 'scraping the bottom of the jar' or 35% used, which I think is getting a bit gross and wouldn't buy personally, but at least they're honest! I'd go ahead and swap/sell those eyeshadows if I were you