What cell phone service provider do you have?


Well-known member
Not that I mean to discriminate, but I'd really like to keep the responses limited to US cell phone services, because that's where I live and its where i'll be using my cell phone.

I currently have T-Mobile and hate it, so I'm shopping around for a new phone company and I'd just like to have some input from those of you with cell phones, whether you're happy or unhappy with your service and maybe some why/nots?

Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
I use AT&T/Cingular. I have been with them for over a year now and I really like them. My husband and I are on a family plan and we pay 70 bucks a month for it. I think we get like 500 minutes a month but we have TONS of rollover minutes because we both work nights and never use our minutes during the day. LOL.


Well-known member
I've got Verizon, and I haven't had a single problem with it. I do live right outside of NYC so it's not like I'm using it in a rural area, so I can't tell you how that would be, but I've used in in Northern California, in every single state on the east coast, and even in Puerto Rico and I can't say that I've ever had a real complaint about it.

When I had T-Mobile on the other hand, I was ready to hurt someone, lol. T-Mobile was crap in my area, and I really didn't feel like taking the train down to 42nd street just to get it to work. Quite disappointing.


Well-known member
I refuse to do the contract thing and I maybe use my cell phone for 2-3hrs a month. I had Net10 prepaid service when I lived in upstate NY. It worked great.

I have Vodafone prepaid here in New Zealand. It works great too


Well-known member
I've had Sprint for the past 8 years or so. No problems at all (that I can think of). I know a lot of people complain about their CS, but I've called in to switch phones recently and it was a breeze. I'm without a contract too now, but I was able to get Power Vision for no extra charge.

I also have a Nextel that is just totally craptastic.


I have t-mobile & don't have any problems. I used to have AT&T/Cingular & had a heck of a time w/ them, not to mention that when I needed customer service they stunk @ it! Hope you find something that works for you.


Active member
I live in Canada but I used to work for a call centre that serviced Nextel Cell phones, if you weren't happy with your bill or your phone wasn't working, I was the one who you spoke to. Haha, terrible job but anyways. Don't get Nextel. They have terrible service in a lot of areas in the States and their plans are no good.


Well-known member
I've had Sprint for quite a while now & it's always done the job well. I used to have Nextel & it seemed really expensive to me.


Well-known member
I have T-Mobile and I have no problems, but I hear that Verizon is pretty good. One of my friends has used every carrier, except for T-Mobile, and she loves Verizon. She says stay clear of Sprint and Cingular (AT&T).


Well-known member
I have t-mobile and I love it. However, when I was in Cali a week ago, it hella sucks there!!!! I would say to go with Cingular cuz that's what my brother has and his reception is great.


Well-known member
I am on three mobile but i think thats a uk only one
Best contract, im on the phone for hours and it doesnt seem to ever cost more!!


Well-known member
I've been with verizon for more than 2 years now, and I love it! The signals are really good even in pretty remote areas. A lot of my friends also have verizon so we call each other for free
The only thing I complained about when I joined the service (which was about 2.5 years ago) was that their phones were reallllly got of style.. but when I renewed my service this time I got the enV (in orange!) so now I have nothing to complain about. Before verizon I was with t-mobile, and I was annoyed with how bad their signals were (maybe that changed...) I couldn't even make a call in my garage... so I def recommand verizon


Well-known member
I've been with cingular or well now at&t for 5 years maybe? gosh it's been awhile and i have never had a problem. i always always have service no matter where i am and actually when friends are at my house who have verizion they don't get service!


Well-known member
I've been with Verizon since I moved back to the US about 7 years ago. I love them. Great coverage, no bill issues, reasonable rates and good cs.

Nextel, on the other hand, sucks balls. Both hubby and I have Nextel work mobiles. Absolutely awful coverage and voicemails that show up a week or even a month after they were left. These are new phones with updated software too.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
tmobile .... ive had it for a while and i really just wanna end my contract and switch to cingular/att. but im so spoiled with my sk3 though


Well-known member
i have at & t and i get great coverage anywhere basically!
Alot of my friends have verizon but they dont get as good coverage as me.