What cell phone service provider do you have?


Well-known member
No problems with VERIZON i have been with them for about 4 years? I love how texting is free among other verizon users. Most people I know who have verizon have been pretty happy. I usually hear about problems with Nextel and Cingular. My friend had nextel and had problems constantly. Verizon also has a good selection of phones and I think every 2 years your can change your phone for a really good price.


Well-known member
I'm leaning towards AT&T. My parents have Sprint; it's like the last company on the planet to charge for roaming!! I can't afford Verizon's plans =(

I think I'm gonna do AT&T, they have a 30-day guarantee, if I dont like it I can always choose something else. Plus they have the best prices on PDAs which is what I really am looking into.


Active member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Nextel, on the other hand, sucks balls. Both hubby and I have Nextel work mobiles. Absolutely awful coverage and voicemails that show up a week or even a month after they were left. These are new phones with updated software too.

God, I hear ya. I never had to ever use Nextel but nobody EVER seemed happy with it when they called it, then again who calls a customer service agent if there is nothing wrong lol. Either way, I have Telus and it's not very good here in Canada. I would definitely say go with AT&T.


Well-known member
I'va had cingular for at least a strong ten years. Never cared too much about contracts as you can see I don't switch too much ;-) like the coverage just fine, no real problems with cs that I can think of...


Well-known member
Don't get SPRINT! I had them for 6 years and moved. My Sprint phones did not work here at all! They tried to tell me that it's too bad and I have to keep paying for it for 2 yrs or pay $700 to terminate early. I had to take legal action and got out of it. Oh, and don't even get me started on how long you are put on hold when you call CS. 45 - 50 minutes and then they just pick up and hang up, so you have to start the hold loop all over again. I held for two hours about a month ago.


Well-known member
I have Verizon and I've had them for about 5 years. Their customer service stinks but overall I think they provide the best cell service. I've also I had Cingular (when they were just Cingular) and I hated them! They were awful! Dropped calls, no service, bad customer service, etc. I will probably never go back to them.


Well-known member
I have tmobile, and I hate it , I dont get reception ANYWHERE not even in my own house! It drives me nuts,but I have to wait until February to Terminate , as that is when my contract is up I will be switching to Verizon after that! (tmobile has crappy phones too)


Well-known member
I have Sprint and haven't really had any problems. I love that nights start at 7 plus I get a discount because of who my employer is. I also like that I get cell service in the elevator where I work.

They will charge for roaming but you REALLY have to be in the middle of nowhere not to get digital service! And I've been to the middle of nowhere Nebraska!


Well-known member
have verizon and plan on staying with them.

my dad's a fire captain and during fire season he's liable to travel up, down and across the state (california) and he goes to alot of conferences and classes in other states as well. he's had just about every cell provider out there, and verizon has given him the best nationwide coverage so far.

i've been on his plan with verizon for two years now and i love them. the phone i have is a bottom of the line phone and it has its problems, but the actual service is great. i'm getting my own plan in two months and i plan on going with verizon.
especially since they have that new unlimited txt/pix plan...omgz heaven!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
Not that I mean to discriminate, but I'd really like to keep the responses limited to US cell phone services, because that's where I live and its where i'll be using my cell phone.

I currently have T-Mobile and hate it, so I'm shopping around for a new phone company

really? I have t-mobile & i think that they've been the best company i've ever dealt with before. i once had sprint & nextel before they merged & they SUCKEd! sprint ripped me off in ways you couldn't imagine. LOL. well good luck with your phone service search
I use ATT / Cingular, but only because my employer pays for it. If I had to pay for it myself I'd definitely switch providers because their service is terrible at my house.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
.....my dad's a fire captain and during fire season he's liable to travel up, down and across the state (california) and he goes to alot of conferences and classes in other states as well. he's had just about every cell provider out there, and verizon has given him the best nationwide coverage so far....

I second that. My phone has been all over the US and I have rarely had a coverage issue. Admittedly, I seldom hit really rural areas where that could be an issue, but I think you would find flawless coverage in extremely rural areas difficult with any plan.


Well-known member
Tmobile and At&t use the same Satalites/ Cell Sites . So they are basically going to give you the same exact reception. It also depends on your phone.

Verizon has a much larger network, and run on a higher band.So therefore you get better reception everywhere. but like was said above, you get out into the rural areas... aka ..Driving thru the plains of montana.. and nobody is gonna get anything, thats due to where they place the cell-sites(sometimes disguised as palm or pine Trees , has anyone seen those?! lol)


Well-known member
at&t...haven't had a problem since when i first started with them 1.5 ago when they were cingular
they seem the have the fairest rates (with texting), and it's free to call people within the providor


Well-known member
I used to have AT&T/Cingular and it was a piece of crap. It gave me crappy service in my home and there was only one corner of my home that I could actually use my phone well. I always had dropped calls and I really don't understand how they can advertise that they have the fewest drop calls? Cingular was the only company that I've ever really had that many dropped calls with. Then I switched to Sprint and they have excellent service. The only problem is that now that I have a new apartment, I get no service, but that's okay because no one gets reception here since I live near a hill lol. But everywhere else I get full bars with Sprint.

Here's a funny story: My boyfriend used to have Cingular back when it was separate from AT&T. Then when that contract was over, he switched to AT&T because he hated the Cingular service. Just a couple months later, AT&T merged with Cingular so then he was forced to have Cingular again LOOLLLLL.


Well-known member
*~*I currently have Verizon & I *love* it!!! I had Sprint for 2 years (before I switched to Verizon) & I hated it!!! Yes, nights started at seven, and yes I had unlimited text messaging for $10 a month (at Verizon it's like $20 or $25), but I *never* had a signal. And when I did, it didn't last long. My phone constantly dropped calls, and there were so many times I would get a voicemail when my phone never even rung!!! Crazy, I know; so I switched to Verizon when my contract with Sprint expired, and I haven't had a problem since!!! No dropped calls, I always have a signal, and no more random voicemails...YAY!!!! Lol But seriously, Verizon has been the best phone company I have ever had. I will be sticking with them for a while.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Tmobile and At&t use the same Satalites/ Cell Sites . So they are basically going to give you the same exact reception. It also depends on your phone.

Verizon has a much larger network, and run on a higher band.So therefore you get better reception everywhere. but like was said above, you get out into the rural areas... aka ..Driving thru the plains of montana.. and nobody is gonna get anything, thats due to where they place the cell-sites(sometimes disguised as palm or pine Trees , has anyone seen those?! lol)

T-Mobile and Cingular used to have the same sites, and still do. But now that Cingular is AT&T, there are the same sites and more. I checked the coverage maps, AT&T has more coverage in my area than T-Mobile. And people who come to my house with AT&T and Verizon get perfect coverage. Myself and people I know who have T-Mobile that visit my area, can't get jackshit lol


Well-known member
tmobile has craaapp for reception (and they dont have any good phones!)

My dad used to have Cingular, and he switched because the CS was horrid!