What cell phone service provider do you have?

xx NAZY jOON xx

New member
i had nextel since may 2005 when they were ACTUALLY good. i was such a fan of the free incoming call plan. ahh i loved it. i switched to sprint really easily, which isn't that bad. just don't use the internet or you get charged and you can cancel the usage completely so you don't have any problems. free nights start at 7, and its great!


Active member
Well I have sprint and have had it for four years now. I like it. However, I wanted to bring up a good point that you might want to ask people in your area what they like. I go to school 2 hours away from my home town (a bigger city then where my school it), but I still have same number I had when I lived there. I recently went to a sprint store where I live now to replace a phone I had broken. They informed me that at the sprint store they could not give me a phone with the same area code that I have currently and in order to get the phone there I'd have to switch my number to that city's area code. I was thinking about it, since I've had the same number for four years and have been wanting to change it. But the sales guy informed me that if I switched my number to the smaller city's area code, I would receive MORE dropped calls. Apparently the service quality is different in different cities. Which now I know why everyone in my college town HATES sprint. He tried to explain exactly why the service quality was different, I didn't quite understand. But he said if it was him, he'd kept the area code I currently had. If you live in a big city, I don't think it would make that big of a difference.


Well-known member
I've had Verizon for 5 years, and I have no complaints. I get a signal everywhere I go, their CS is great, and the plan I have is perfect for me. 450 daytime minutes, unlimited night & weekend for $40 a month. I have unlimited texts to other Verizon customers and 500 texts to other carriers for $10 more per month. I love it!

We just drove to South Dakota and back, and I had a signal all through Montana and Wyoming, except for a few tiny spots in the mountains. My friend works at a Nextel call center and she says she'll NEVER get a Nextel/Sprint phone plan. I think that says a lot.


Well-known member
I'm torn between ATT and Verizon. Verizon is a little more expensive, but I'd get more features in service. and most of the people i talk to have verizon, so i dont have to worry about minutes....



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
I'm torn between ATT and Verizon. Verizon is a little more expensive, but I'd get more features in service. and most of the people i talk to have verizon, so i dont have to worry about minutes....


that Is exactly my problem too, Im pretty much in the same boat as you, I'm with T-mobile, hate it and am torn between Verizon and At&t,

at&t is cheaper (BIG plus in my book because I'm not made of money!) they have pretty good phones but no one I know has at&t

Verizons plans are on the pricey side, but the people who I talk on the phone with the most/longest call times have verizon, but you have to pay extra for text messaging, which I do a lot of , And verizon has exceptional coverage which I need because Im paranoid about being stranded somewhere without service,( which with Tmobile is extremely Likely. on the way home from my boyfriends house (45 min drive) there is a long dark section of highway I have to drive thru, and I get absolutely NO coverage on that road and its about.. 2/3 of my drive!, and im always afraid my car will break down or something )