what deodorant do you use?

Anne on MuA

New member
I'm a huge fan of Mitchum - mostly the unscented Men's Gel version, but the hydrosolid is excellent too. And Gilette Soft&Dri is very nice. Sadly, none of these are available where I live (Sweden) so I stock up while travelling...


Well-known member
i love Fresh's Sugar Deodorant Antiperspirant it smells so great for a deodorant!

but i also use

Secret Platnium - Tropical something...
Bliss Underarmy

and that new axish spray for women from Secret it smells like yummy vanilla


Well-known member
I am currently using Dove original i love it.. I always change deo. b/c unlike some people i DO sweat and i hate smelling like B.O!!!!!! I did use some Mitchelum or somethin it worked but JESUS it was like rubbing an OLD hard glue tick on my armpit. It was unbelievabley uncomfortable! Ill try the clear gel one (im not to fond of gels but it might be what i need!)... and ill tell you guys if it works!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACattack
Something to look out for is the clear gel deodorant from Adidas. It's amazing! I have NEVER had a deodorant work this well ever before! It's made for athletes, so it's pretty hardcore. And apparently it has like cotton fibers in it, so when you sweat, it's absorbed into those. AMAZING!

Sounds really good, do you have a link for it?


Well-known member
I'm pretty allergic to a lot of deodorants. I used to love love love Dove's deodorant. I swore by it for a couple of years. Then this summer it just stopped working on me. (Maybe I got a bad one?) Anyway, the only other thing I can wear that doesn't make me break out in a rash is Arrid - Invisible solid. Thank goodness it works really well.


Well-known member
I use some natural deoderant, unfortunately it's not an antiperspirant and so if I need to be cautious of the company I'm entertaining then I grab the commercial brand


Well-known member
I used to use Secret, but it stopped working...now I either use Dove or Soft & Dri Power Stripe in Passion Flower


I'm using soft and dri soothers(I stocked up when I heard that they were going to stop selling it) and if I do use a different kind, I use mitchum unscented solid


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pink__grapefruit
Axe, because mens deodorant works alot better for me. My whole cheer team uses some type of mens deodorant

I use the same brand and scent as my boyfriend


Well-known member
I use Dove. I don't like the way other deodorants smell, and I find Dove lasts longer on hot days than other deodorants I've tried.

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