What do I wear??? HELP


Well-known member
How about a nice neutral eye with a light pink lip, a super cute summer dress but nothing too short.


Well-known member
I would do wavey hair, a short but not excessively short denim mini, a flowy or print sheer top (something with bright colors and a little flowiness maybe that bunches at the waist), embellished flip flops, a bigger ring (something in like a natural stone- turquoise, quartz), and netural makeup with luminescent skin (msf blush for me), and super glossy kissable lips.


Well-known member
a long summery maxi dress.. very Angelina Jolie simple. Eye makeup: really neutral, cheeks soft soft pink and a soft lip with a balm. The more natural, the better.


Well-known member
I would go with a summer dress.

I randomly shop at Ross, Marshalls or TJ Max, and I always find dresses that become my favs. Recently, I went to Forever 21 and picked up this...
http://www.forever21.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=FOREVER21&category%5Fna me=dress%5Fcasual&product%5Fid=2064784068&Page=all
I love simple dresses.

When it comes to your makeup. If it will be hot (even warm), go with a natural, simple look (I hate having a full face of makeup and it's so hot that I start sweating it off). Or maybe golds like Woodwinked e/s or taupes like Satin Taupe e/s.
Or maybe an overall "beach girl" look. Yea know... bronzer, simple eyes and lips, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HerGreyness
a long summery maxi dress.. very Angelina Jolie simple. Eye makeup: really neutral, cheeks soft soft pink and a soft lip with a balm. The more natural, the better.

Yes! I concur with this, too.