what do i wear with constructivist paint pot?


New member
i have a bunch of other paintpots which i love and use often, but i just can't figure out how to work constructivist and it was the one i wanted the most.any ideas?


Well-known member
TiffanyD has a great video on youtube which she uses Constructivist paintpot as a base with Graphology over it. It was her Hayden P Golden Globes makeup tut. It's a great look, you should check it out!


Well-known member
An MA convince me to get it with a combo with greens like humid and I can't remember the other ones. I have used it with browns. Plus, it has a slight purple tint to it, so I could see you using it on the outer sides for purple bases.


Well-known member
This is actually one of my favorite PPs! I use gold/bronzey colors like Woodwinked, any brown color will look fantastic over it, coppery colors like Coppering or Cranberry, green colors - specifically olive-tones like Sumptuous Olive, I've even used black for a less harsh smokey look. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
I really like it with satin taupe or circa plum pigment.

I'm sure it would look amazing with club too since they're both a bit of a duochrome.