What do you collect?


Well-known member
I have always been a collector of many things.

What do yall collect?

I collect Lucy from Peanuts


Well-known member
Lucy from Peanuts--thats awesome!!

My mom would keep asking what I collect so it would be pretty easy to buy me things for b-days, Christmas, etc. Well I could never pick things b/c I'd find I'd get too much of one type of thing and my room would look cluttered :S I guess I just don't have my mother's klepto-gene. lol.
I've started to get a lot of makeup (MAC wooo!) and do enjoy some nice looking candles though thats no where near a collection.


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Shell necklaces! I have a bit of an obsession with them. I recently went to Greece and was in heaven as they had soooo many different types! And cheap!


Well-known member
I collect postcards, masks, and paintings although at the moment I can't get anymore paintings since I have no room left.

EDIT : I've also started collecting older/rarer books to fill the amazing library I will eventually have.


Well-known member
-MAC ofcourse! thanks to this website lol
-Dior makeup limited editions
-Designer perfumes
-costume jewelry


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M.A.C. makeup. You would not believe how much I have. I've been collecting since 1997 but recently am a little turned off so I have stopped. I've heard of people collecting coins, etc. but I never thought I would collect makeup!


Well-known member
- Makeup
- Religious propaganda (like pamphlets and free papers)
- Tickets from concerts and movies I've attended
- Pennies
- Stuffed animals (not the kind that children cuddle with though.)


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Makeup...I have so much I really don't need to collect anything else


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I used to collect pennies, but it's kind of faded out as I've gotten busier. I wouldn't say that I collect makeup because there aren't items that I lust after for my collection... But I do have inordinate amounts of it.


Well-known member
I used to collect PEZ dispensers when I was younger but now I've moved on to:

- Afghani/Turkoman jewelery
- Indian silver earrings (traditional/old)
- Interesting wooden boxes
- Cards/Postcards



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I too love to collect things, and have been a collector since I was a little kid. When I was little, my Mom started me on a porcelain doll collection; for every special occasion she would get me a gorgeous doll...I loved them, and still have all of them, although I haven't gotten any recently...The only one I've gotten in years is a little German dressed porcelain doll from a shop in the "German" area of Disney World...She was so beautiful I couldn't resist her.

Alas, the thing I collect now is Crystals, Rocks, and Minerals...When I was young, I started a collection...I LOVED rocks, and learned all about them...Then, I just stopped collecting...Then, my hippy girlfriend opened a Hippy-type store with all sorts of healing stones, Crystals and Minerals...Well, you can just say I got back 'into' collecting really, really fast! Not only are the beautiful, but I also believe in the healing properties of Crystals and Minerals. I have a huge cabinet FULL of stuff, and need to get another very soon, as I am running outta room!

I also LOVE jewelry...Precious (Diamonds, Emeralds, etc.) and Semi-precious (Lapis Lazuli, Rhodochrosite, Quartz, etc.)...I have about a dozen large-stone bracelets, and I guess you could say I'm a jewelry collector too! Collecting the semi-precious stuff goes right along with the Rock/Mineral/Crystal collecting....It is SO MUCH FUN, and getting into all the different healing properties these stones have is not only interesting, but really fun....And I can honestly say I feel I've benefitted from the healing properties of minerals....I guess I'm just a crunchy granola chick at heart!

Lisa J

Well-known member
Well now my biggest collection pursuit is MAC! But I also like to collect books and wine. When I was younger I collected snow globes... they are so pretty.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I collect vinyls. not any vinyls but vinyls with music genre like Twisted Sister, Guns N Roses, Velvet Revolver, Blondie etc...

I also collect DVDs although that's grounding to a halt lol