What do you prefer? Curly or straight hair?


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I always like my hair super straight but it causes some damage to my hair because of the straightening iron....


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I like to wear mine straight but dont like the time it takes to straighten it or the damage it causes.


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Mine's naturally wavy so of course I only like it straight. I blow dry and straighten it every day.


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i have wavy hair that i have to work at to get straight or curly.

and i prefer to wear it straight.


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I used to wear my hair straight every day. then I discovered all the scrunching / curling products out there,,, and now... Im always havin it curly! im lovin it!


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I like straight... not super straight, but straight with the ends curled under slightly. I could never do the curly hair thing... seems like so much work! But nonetheless, I find curls very beautiful
i have naturally straight hair, so of course i love curls....but i also love my straight hair...i love how i dont constantly have to fix my hair throughout the day, it looks the same from the time i style it to the end of the day, so it's very convenient!


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i perfer straight hair. my hair is straight, so i know how to work with it. although, i adore curly hair, it just never stays put on my head. *shrugs*


Staff member
I have straight hair, but always wished it was curly... Guess that is always the way! Dawn


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i have pretty curly hair, though i have trouble getting all the curls to look nice (at least when im leaving the house, if im staying home my hair looks great :| )
I think its more flattering to my features to have straight hair, but i am way too lazy to do anything about it, since my hair fixes its self.
-leave in conditioner
-don't touch it
curls presto.


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Considering the fact that it takes a good hour or more to get my curls straight... lol I prefer curls.


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If I had curls that actually ...curled..i would just put some mousse in and go...but since no one has ever been able to make my curls look good...i straighten my hair. If i want curls..i use a good ol' curling iron.


Active member
Originally Posted by Bunny77
I have curls, I love my curls and wouldn't want my hair any other way!

here here to that Bunny77


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I like staright hair only because I think its easier for me to handle.....but I think curly hair is gorgeous!!


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I like either... and have had my hair both ways in the past...
Now I mostly wear it straight....
altho I have had a number of perms in the past...

But I have naturally curly hair to a certain extent!