It won't ruin your skin for "years." If you have a problem, stop using it and it should clear up in a few weeks, unless it is a severe allergy. The worst would be an allergic reaction, you can check it on your wrist first if that is a concern to be sure you aren't allergic. The other thing that is more likely to happen could be an increase in acne due to clogging pores. I don't think that will happen though, if you rinse well. Contrary to what I thought would happen, using oil based cleansers actually reduced my natural oil production. Given, my 40+ year old skin does not produce as much oil as yours probably does, but using a biological based oil will probably reduce the amount of oil you make. Esp. using something like olive oil. If I spent the money on that product, I would at least try it. I think they would accept a return if you had problems with it not being friendly to your skin, depends where you purchased it of course.