What do you think?


Well-known member
Specktra's most recent mommies (yay!) as well as the thread about Asia Carerra got me thinking about unassisted childbirth vs midwife assisted vs in a hospital. What do you guys think? Any stories?


Well-known member
well my lil one isnt here yet, but i'm goin to the hospital for delivery. I admire those who have home births etc, but in the event something goes wrong the closest hospital is 25mins away and when seconds count, i don't wanna end up stuck in traffic.

*off to countdown the mths till delivery lolol*


Well-known member
Congrats! Do you have a birth plan? I'm not trying to be pushy, I'm just trying to figure out what most people expect when they have kids.


Well-known member
not yet, but im workin on it
i have to take into account with my current back issues (from two car accidents) if it will be ok to even get an epidural it may sound weird but i dont wanna have an even more jacked up back down the line lol. I also have MVP (mitral valve prolapse) so im gonna see if theres any additional precautions i have to take with certain meds. I would love to be alert n coherent and pray this kid slides on out but this is my first kid so i know it prob wont happen. as time goes on hopefully everything will become more concrete


Well-known member
I've had 2 midwife hospital births.
ds was easy even with his big head
dd, was a lesson in surprises, she was supposed to be a home birth but that didn't happen due to hating the back up doc
I had a birth plan and let's just say the only thing that happened as planned is she came out my vagina and didn't get shots or eye goop!
But I think I was just happy she was healthy.

I will say I will NEVER have a OB for a birth

I do know someone who had a homebirth with triplets!


Well-known member
I just had a little boy on the 9th of September. He was 9lbs 4 oz. (and as cute as can be!!!)

Before he came ( I had to be induced because I'm diabetic and he was getting to be too big inside of me. He was born 10 days before his actual due date of the 19th.) I was thinking about home births and water births after watching the documentary "The business of being born" which basically downs everything that the hospital stands for and promotes woman going with natural, home births. Its actually a good documentary because it doesn't aim to make anyone feel bad or less of a woman about not being able to do a home birth or one that is unassisted by drugs. Being that im diabetic and high risk I knew that none of this would be an option for me.

One epidural, episiotemy, and 5 stitches later ... I'm so GLAD I was at the hospital. I just don't know if I could feel that layer of safety at home if something was to go wrong at a moments notice. My son didn't cry for a while after he was born but I wasn't that scared. I don't know if I could have said the same if I was home.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NubianHoneii
I just had a little boy on the 9th of September. He was 9lbs 4 oz. (and as cute as can be!!!)

Before he came ( I had to be induced because I'm diabetic and he was getting to be too big inside of me. He was born 10 days before his actual due date of the 19th.) I was thinking about home births and water births after watching the documentary "The business of being born" which basically downs everything that the hospital stands for and promotes woman going with natural, home births. Its actually a good documentary because it doesn't aim to make anyone feel bad or less of a woman about not being able to do a home birth or one that is unassisted by drugs. Being that im diabetic and high risk I knew that none of this would be an option for me.

One epidural, episiotemy, and 5 stitches later ... I'm so GLAD I was at the hospital. I just don't know if I could feel that layer of safety at home if something was to go wrong at a moments notice. My son didn't cry for a while after he was born but I wasn't that scared. I don't know if I could have said the same if I was home.

congrats on your lil man


Well-known member
congrats to the new mommies and the preggo mommies!

as much as i was all for drugs during deliveries, my second daughter taught me otherwise. my plan was to have an epidural, but we got to the hospital too late. got there at 9 in the morning (was 6 cm), delivered at 10:17. they were getting the epidural ready i think, but i felt A LOT of pressure and my water broke when her head was already coming through. so too late! seriously pushed for only 3-5 minutes and she was out and i felt SO much better. with my first daughter i pushed for 2 hours and they had to use the suction b/c she rotated and i couldn't feel a thing so my "pushing" wasn't really helping. w/ my 1st, i had no idea why moms on tv would scream when delivering. with my 2nd, well, now i know! hahha. it seems like screaming kind of helps you to get him/her out. after the placenta was removed (this was the only part i didn't like b/c the ob FORCEd it out), i walked to my new room. i was able to breastfeed b/c i was actually able to sit since my back didnt hurt from an epidural and i had no stitches (thank god). other than the placenta being forced out, i couldn't have asked for a better delivery.

my advice to pregnant moms, just try to deal with the pain. it really just feels like you have to take the worst poo ever. it'll be worth it to deal with that for some hours, than to have an epidural and have lower back pain for 6+ months like what i had w/ my first baby. i do believe though, that the hospital is best just IN CASE something goes wrong.


Well-known member
When i was pregnant, i wanted a natural water birth, that was THE plan, and as much as you hope everything will run the way you want it to.. it never does..

I was at home and my back was killing me.. and i knew something wasnt right, so i told my mom to take me to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 1am and the doctor told me i wasnt ready yet and i could go home (even if the date i went in was on my expected delivery date Oct 2, 2004) So i insisted to stay at the hospital anyway, because i knew something was up, besides i could hardly move... and 1 hour later my water broke.

After about 6 hours i was only about 2cm dialated (which is nothing) and the doctor was worried at how slow i was progressing and gave me pitocin, i only agreed because it wasnt good to put the baby under stress for this long. And oh my ffing god did the contractions finally started coming, i was throwing up and gagging, i was an absolute mess both physically and mentally, i really thought i was going to die. So i agreed for an epidural since my husband started crying seeing all of this, and well they missed my spinal fluid and it didnt work.

So now 2 more hours passed only 6cm dialated, then suddenly in 30 minutes i went from 6cm to 10cm and bam, i started pushing for 10 minutes. I had to have an episiotomy maybe 1/2 inch, my ahem was wayyy too tiny to be having a 8 pound 7ounce baby.. then finally she was out... and all the pain was gone, after that i felt like i could do anything in the god dam world.

Next time around i really want a natural water birth, in the hospital, drug free if possible.


Well-known member
unassisted birth? i'm not so sure about that. if a woman feels confident enough to go totally unassisted i have no issues, but i wouldn't do it myself.

homebirth with midwife? if i ever find out i'm having another child i'm all over that one after two hospital births. there are still countries practice homebirth with midwife as the normal way of a woman giving birth. in terms of history, birthing in hospital is a fairly new phenomenon.

i didn't really like either of my hospital births. so much pressure... push, don't push, stay in bed, have some drugs... i felt i wasn't "allowed" to do what i felt would help me (walk around, squat, moan - i was pretty uncomfy doing that knowing there were women in rooms all around me trying to get some sleep -, get on my hands and knees).

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Hospitals are for sick people, that's what I say.

If a woman and her baby are in good health and there are no concerns, I don't think it's a bad idea at all.

As much as I hated my hospital birthing experience, I'd rather be in a hospital because I'm a worry wort, and I don't think I could relax enough to birth at home; but if I could, that would be my dream.

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