What does "CP" stand for?


Well-known member
I keep seeing it, I assume it has something to do with getting a product thats unavailable to someone else?


New member
im pretty sure it stands for "custom purchase" or something like that... which means that if you want say a culturebloom lipstick and i know its still available at my couter... i can make a custom purchase for you...


New member

Taken from MUA but many apply for here. The above link is ones most commonly used here.
Over half of these are never used.

* AAB = Amazing Asian Beauty
* AD = Amber's Daisy
* AE = Active Endeavors or American Eagle
* AFAIK = as far as I know
* AHA = Alpha Hydroxy Acid
* ATM- at the moment
* AZW = A Zaftig Woman
* b/c = Because
* BBB = bleached blonde bombshell
* BBB&B = Brown Bag Bath & Beauty
* bbg = better be going
* bbl = be back later
* BBW = bath & body works
* BC = Body Confections
* BCP = birth control pills
* BF = Boyfriend
* BHA = Beta Hydroxy Acid
* BN = brand new
* BNIB = brand new in box
* BR = Banana Republic
* brb = be right back
* btw = By The Way
* BTZ = Beyond the Zone (Hair care line)
* BW= beautiful wife
* CCB = Cream Colour Base
* CCC = Captivating Caramel Cutie
* CJ = L'Oreal Color Juice
* COOF = completely out of fashion
* CP = Custom Purchase
* CS = Cottage Shoppe
* d/c (d/c'd) = discontinued
* DDD = Dark Darling Diva
* DH = Dear Husband
* DS (d/s) = Drugstore
* e/l = eyeliner
* e/s = Eyeshadow
* EBA = ebay acquistion
* el/c = eyelash curler
* EOTD = eye of the day
* FFF = Fair Foxy Femme
* FIL = Father In Law
* fndt = foundation
* FOTD = face of the day
* FWIW = For What It's Worth
* g2g = Got to go
* gc = Gift Certificate
* GGG = Gorgeous Golden Goddess
* GL = Good Luck
* gwp = Gift With Purchase
* HAGW = Have a good weekend!
* HG = Holy Grail
* HH = Hannah's Handprints
* HTF = Hard to find
* hth = Hope That Helped
* hths = Hope That Helped Some
* IDK = I Don't Know
* IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
* IMHO = In My Honest/Humble Opinion
* IMNSHO = In my not-so-humble opinion
* IMO = In My Opinion
* IRL = In Real Life
* ITA = I Totally Agree
* j/k = Just Kidding
* j/w = just wandering
* JP = James Perse
* JT = Lancome Juicy Tubes
* l/c = lash curler
* l/g = Lipgloss
* l/s = Lipstick
* lemming = to follow suit with the raves, to really want something
* LLL = Light Lovely Lady
* LM = left message
* LM = Laura Mercier
* lmao = Laughing My Ass Off
* lol = Laughing Out Loud
* LOLA = Lovely Latina
* LRP = La Roche Posay
* MA = makeup artist(s)
* MG = Muchas Gracias
* MIL = Mother In Law
* MJ = Marc Jacobs
* MLBB = My Lips But Better
* Mm = makeup magician
* MMM = Marvelous Medium Mademoiselle
* MMU = Make Me Up cosmetics
* ms = mascara
* MST = Making Scents by Theresa
* MYOB = Mind your own business
* n/m = No Message / No More
* NE = Natural Esscents
* NIB = New In Box
* NOTD = nail of the day
* NP = nail polish / No Problem
* NWT = New With Tags
* NWOT = New Without Tags
* OMG = Oh my G*d
* OT = Off Topic
* OTOH = On the other hand
* OTS = Off the Shoulder (as in sweater)
* PBI = Politely butting in
* PC = Paula's Choice
* PLMK = Please Let Me Know
* POTL = People of the Labyrinths Luctor et Emergo.
* PP = possibly pending
* PPP = Pale Porcelain Princess
* px = prescriptives
* r/o = Read On
* RAOK = Random Act Of Kindness
* RIS = Received In Swap
* ROP = Read on please
* ROTFL = Rolling on the floor laughing
* s/t = second that
* SA = sales associate(s)
* SEX = stash enhancement experience
* SIB = Still In Box
* SMPL = sample
* SO = Significant Other
* sos = same old stuff
* SP = Scentual Pleasures
* SS = Simplyscents
* t/m = tinted moisturizer
* TAB = Thanks A Bunch
* TBS = The Body Shop
* thnx = thanks
* thnx4h= thanks for the help
* TIA = Thanks In Advance
* TR = Totally Random
* ttyl = talk to you later
* TTYS = Talk to you soon
* twiwgs = thats what i was gonna say
* TY = thank you
* w/e = weekend
* W/O = without
* wss = what she said
* WTF? = Whos the Fairest (.com)
* WTG= way to go
* wttw = word to the wise
* YLBB = Your Lips But Better
* YLBW = Your Lips But Worse
* ylg = you look great
* YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
* YW = you're welcome