What does he want from me?


Well-known member
There's an officer I see at work, about once or twice a week. He loiters at my desk every time he comes over. We talk. He has been winking at me, etc, but nothing more. He asked me whether I had my weekend off, and I said yes and then he replied "niicee" and just walks off. Ok. Wth.

I liked him, but it's frustrating because he won't do anything.


Well-known member
Hmm... sounds annoying. I don't know, but if it bothers you, just ignore him. I had to do that to some annoying guy here at school and he eventually learned to leave me alone.


Well-known member
Sounds to me like he's looking for a sign from you, but is too chicken to come right out and make a move. Either that or he's just a sort-of-flirt with everyone. I agree with blazeno, he sounds annoying, but I guess if you liked him it won't feel annoying! I would rather a guy who would be more direct about being interested, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms_bloom
Sounds to me like he's looking for a sign from you, but is too chicken to come right out and make a move. Either that or he's just a sort-of-flirt with everyone. I agree with blazeno, he sounds annoying, but I guess if you liked him it won't feel annoying! I would rather a guy who would be more direct about being interested, though.

I liked him. But now, I'm thinking, "make a move already, sheesh!" I'm losing interest.


Well-known member
Hehe. You snooze, you lose, right? I guess if I REALLY liked him I would give him one last shot and make it really easy for him to make a move. Some guys are just really shy when it comes to this and end up looking stupid instead. I'd still want to see a sign that he could assert himself when necessary.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think he likes you and is looking for you to show some indication you like him. Compliment him, ask him about his weekend, etc. Of course, that is if you like him too.

A lot of women make the mistake that the guy should make the first move. Like many women, a lot of men fear rejection and aren't going to ask someone out if they don't feel they have a shot.


Well-known member
Go for it.. you have nothing to lose, esp. since you said you liked him. Otherwise you'll never know.
He sounds like that old annoying Mr. Fear of Rejection and unsure of what you'd say/how you'll react.

This is of course all conditional on the fact that he doesn't "loiter" around your female coworkers desks/offices as much as it appears he does with you in the manner he does with you.
What do the other officers think of him? that's a total boys club generally.. if you work where they frequent (like it sounds), you're bound to find out more than you'll need to know about if he's just a flirt or he's a good guy and just a wuss (and easily determine if you should bite on this one)
Good Luck!! LEt us know how it turns out!

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