What does your other half think?


Well-known member
a few days ago when i got back from shopping my bf came round and asked me what i got and i put on a childish voice n said ive been to the mac counter with a cheeky grin, he doesnt even seem shocked now when i say it he asked how much each item was and he was like
recently tho, hes learnt all the names, colours, etc...even helped me find things at the mac counter etc...
so...what im asking, is...what does your other half think of how much you spend on mac products and what does your other half think about your collections?


Well-known member
His Nibs is a terrible enabler. I'm trying to cut back and save money for a house deposit, but he goes to MAC behind my back and orders everything that's LE 'just in case'. I guess I can get that house deposit by auctioning off a complete BNIB Lure/Bait/Hooked on ebay in three years time.

He's good about cometics - he understands that it's my profession and I need to stay three steps ahead of what's hot this season, but he also understands that when I come home the last thing I want to do is have to do anything with industry chit-chat. His friends on base think it's great that he has a wifey who body-paints hot naked goth chicks all day for Suicide Girls photoshoots.


Well-known member
Mine is so pragmatic about it. He's just like...it makes you happy, don't overspend (whew, if heonly knew) and have fun!


Well-known member
I don't spent THAT much money on MAC, I go to the counter a lot but often I walk out with just like 1 or 2 things. I don't blow my budget on makeup, I'm still level headed enough with my money to hold back and just buy things that I will really end up using.

My b/f doesn't care, he knows I love make-up and he loves when I get all dolled up to go out, although he hates waiting for me getting ready and he hates going into a make-up store with me. He usually waits outside smoking a cigarette! Haha.

He doesn't buy makeup for me, the only time was when I asked for a MAC gift certificate for my birthday, but I still picked out my own things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
My b/f doesn't care, he knows I love make-up and he loves when I get all dolled up to go out, although he hates waiting for me getting ready and he hates going into a make-up store with me. He usually waits outside smoking a cigarette! Haha.

He doesn't buy makeup for me, the only time was when I asked for a MAC gift certificate for my birthday, but I still picked out my own things.

That's almost exactly how my fiance is. Sometimes he'll come into the store for a few minutes and tell me what colors he likes, but he would never go and pick up stuff for me. He doesn't really know what I have or don't have. He usually has other gift ideas, and he knows I'll get what I want on my own.


Well-known member
I also don't spend all my money on MAC, though I used to spend a lot more. My SO is pretty good about it. He knows I love it and appreciates how good I look. I also don't buy a lot when I go in, maybe one or two things. I hardly buy things from the new collections and I never buy an entire collection. The honest truth is that I know what looks good on me and a lot of MAC does not match my skin tone well. Thank God for that because it saves me money!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by wattage
I also don't spend all my money on MAC, though I used to spend a lot more. My SO is pretty good about it. He knows I love it and appreciates how good I look. I also don't buy a lot when I go in, maybe one or two things. I hardly buy things from the new collections and I never buy an entire collection. The honest truth is that I know what looks good on me and a lot of MAC does not match my skin tone well. Thank God for that because it saves me money!!


I'm the same! I like to look but I don't feel bad when I walk out empty handed. I would NEVER buy a whole collection! I probably wouldn't use half the stuff anyway and I have another expensive hobby that I think is more worthy of my money - photography!


Well-known member
He thinks it is a waste of $$.
But we have different interests.
he'd blow a crapload of cash at a car tuning shop if we had that kind of $ to blow.
I am always selling stuff anywhy and am generally frugal and green minded,so although he gives me occasional shit"why do you need a huge wheeled suitcase for all your makeup?? or who needs this much makeup" etc., He knew I was like this when he met me 15 years ago, so he knew what he was getting himself into-LOL!

I think he gets the most annoyed when I am depotting es or something "silly" like that.
Oh well everyone needs a hobby. and he still gets me MAC gift certs for my birthday


Well-known member
He doesn't mind it at all.
In fact, he's very understanding about the concept of girls wearing make-up for themselves (not necessarily for others), and as an outlet for creativity.
He doesn't mind that I spend and trust me, he knows. I tell him all about it. He just says, "As long as it makes you happy...just make sure you use what you have and try not to buy into those marketing schemes."

I love him


Well-known member
Mine gets all antsy and tells me that I'm beautiful without it (he gets points for that
) but then he also bugs me about spending money on it. I don't buy makeup anymore anyway, but we don't live together so he doesn't have to get his hackles up when he sees my giant collection.... Oh well, I've warned him, he can take it or leave it.


Well-known member
My SO loves my MAC obsession--he thinks its mildly amusing with my area of the bathroom stocked with it (like someone else mentioned, he always begins with "...but you look great with nothing on" 8)

I really never go overboard with my spending (well, mostly
) He will generally hear from me anyway when I am all excited about a new collection (like he cares)... but he'll remember and give $$ for some MAC on a regular basis... or suprise me w/a purchase!! When he braves the counter on my accord, that is so sweet to me.
Love him!!


Well-known member
Mine is tight, he doesnt' like to spend money even on himself, he doesn't go shopping because he'd want to spend money....so he really isnt' thrilled with my mac collection, although I haven't bought much at all since May. He does like it when I look nice I think, but I assume he'd think I should stick to walmart cosmetics. He did know that I liked high end cosmetics since we've been married though so he doesnt' complain.


Well-known member
mine is fine about it. he really doesnt mind although i only really buy things every now and then. ive not bought any mac for over 2 months!

he came to the counter with me once in leeds and helped me pick out some colors for me. he picked swish and freshwater which has since become firm favourites so he has good taste.

he was trying out the eye pencils on me and was trying to get me to buy one of those too!

he is quite good to take shopping in that he's very honest and if he doesnt like something he says, but on the downside he gets bored really quickly.


Well-known member
hes really cool about it
and also he loves girls with lots of makeup
i'd completely trust him to go and buy me some makeup and not panic about what he brought home!
when new collections are on here... i always go
'which eyeshadow/lipstick would you choose for me'
and he always gets it right
arent i a geek


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pr1nces583
he picked swish and freshwater which has since become firm favourites so he has good taste.

my bf LOVES freshwater....
he always wants me to wear it
he loves electric eel too...
must be a boy thing!


Well-known member
My boyfriend knows I love makeup and doesn't mind! He used to get all uptight about the prices of stuff but now he's used to it and he'll even wake up 2 hours early to go to MAC when new stuff is released. He likes to poke fun at me though. If we go to MAC and someone comments on my makeup, he always mutters "Oh, I just LOVE your makeup, Jamie!" under his breath. Haha.


My b/f is really good about it. He knows how big my stash is and actually helps me pick out what colours to wear when I ask him! Pretty good choices too actually. Recently we were at a counter in Sweden and I was on the lookout for something long disc. and he asked me "did you find anything super duper limited edition?? any discontinued pigments??" haha! Yes he knows...=)