What Foundation Color Are You?


Well-known member
I went in to get matched for color and was a lot lighter than I had thought and had been wearing. The MA said a lot of people wear foundation to darken their coloring and this is a no, it should be done with a bit of bronzer instead. Curious as to what everyone wears!


Well-known member
I wear Mac SFF NW20 (only once in a while). For everyday, I wear Mineral Makeup in a light shade, or custom make one :O)


Well-known member
NW20 or medium msf natural
I am pretty pale
i wear nc50. im about to start working for prescriptives and im gonna get a custom blend going on soon. i tried it the other day and im a level 5 or something like that.


Well-known member
NW15 in Studio Fix Fluid Foundation.
In between (gotta mix) NW15 and NW20 Studio Tech Foundation.
In between (gotta mix) NW15 and NW20 Studio Fix Powder Foundation.
NW20 in Studio Finish Concealor (and Full Coverage Foundation).
NW20 in Select Cover-Up Concealor.
Select Sheer Pressed Powder NW15.
Blot Powder Medium.
Mineralize Skinfinish Natural Medium.

=D Alot of pale people we got on this board, huh?


Well-known member
I was just told by a MAC professional that I am NW20 in Select. "NW" in MAC terminology means I have a "cool" complextion as opposed to "warm"? I always thought I had a "warm" complextion. I read you're supposed to look at the color of your veins and see if they're more green or blue. Mine look more green than blue, although it could really be in between the two. She gave me a sample to try so we'll see. I'm a little skeptical though because she told me this just by looking at me. She did not apply any foundation to test. Shouldn't she have tested some shades on my skin?


Well-known member
MAC Mineralize Foundation in NC15
Shiseido I00
Clinique Superbalanced in Breeze
MAC StudioFix Powder in N3

I think my skin was darker awhile ago but I've started using my lightening products again.


Well-known member
I'm NW20, NW25 if I want a little extra color. I don't agree with what your MAC MA told you about using foundation to "darken" you up a bit, I just think most people don't do it properly. I find that you can up about half a shade or 1 shade and it still looks natural, but when people go 2 or 3 shades over than it's when you get into trouble and see lines, plus most people don't blend nearly enough (my pet peeve as an MA!). Sometimes just doing that half shade darker looks more natural than bronzer (which I find most people tend to overdo as well). I really don't believe in setting rules like that, just my opinion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadow
I was just told by a MAC professional that I am NW20 in Select. "NW" in MAC terminology means I have a "cool" complextion as opposed to "warm"? I always thought I had a "warm" complextion. I read you're supposed to look at the color of your veins and see if they're more green or blue. Mine look more green than blue, although it could really be in between the two. She gave me a sample to try so we'll see. I'm a little skeptical though because she told me this just by looking at me. She did not apply any foundation to test. Shouldn't she have tested some shades on my skin?

I have found this to be the case as well. Any one have thoughts on this? I am NW43, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadow
I was just told by a MAC professional that I am NW20 in Select. "NW" in MAC terminology means I have a "cool" complextion as opposed to "warm"? I always thought I had a "warm" complextion. I read you're supposed to look at the color of your veins and see if they're more green or blue. Mine look more green than blue, although it could really be in between the two. She gave me a sample to try so we'll see. I'm a little skeptical though because she told me this just by looking at me. She did not apply any foundation to test. Shouldn't she have tested some shades on my skin?

I agree with with the blue vein/green vein thing. But I will say that with my makeup company I work for, I am so used to our colors I can pretty much guess what shade soemone is by looking at them and I'm right 99% of the time. That being said I still test it just to double check, but she probably knows her line so well she can eyeball it.

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