What I Collect


Well-known member
I collect comic books. Love them!!! Started after the first X-Men movie came out (first one ever was X-Men: E is for Extinction, the serialized arc) and I haven't stopped.

Just thought I'd share my obsession.
(click to enlarge)

Where I store them

Chamber mini-series

BloodRayne (Favorite character!!! <other than Emma Frost, lol>)

More BloodRayne

Runaways (one of the artists lived near where I went to school, I met him at a comic book store near the school... that's how I got into this series)

Mystic Arcana and some other one shots

New X-Men... Morisson run (he restored the series... my favorite writer <3 )

Various issues featuring Black Widow (really cool character)

Phoenix: Warsong

Marvel Civil War

X-Men: Marvel Civil War

NYX (an ultra-rare series... very risque and gritty)

Target X: X23

Emma Frost (AMAZING!!! Emma's my fave character besides BloodRayne and this is her Origins story)

New X-Men... some of it, lol. I have like thirty plus issues.

Astonishing X-Men

My first comic books... New X-Men

Misc serialized comics including Phoenix: Endsong and X23 Innocence Lost.


Well-known member
i used to watch the old xmen and batman cartoons on tv. xmen's always been my fav, and i always used to pretend i was rogue. never really cared for superman (duh, he's obv clark kent!!)