I just received what was supposed to be a BNIB pigment through a swap and it arrived with pigment smudges on the outside of the jar, the rim of the pigment vial was not clean, and the vial appeared less than full so that the little plastic covering was not able to make an indentation print upon the pigment. I have several other BNIB pigments and they are all full and have this indentation mark. I'm just wondering, am I right to suspect that this pigment is not BNIB? In fact, I have a sample of the same exact pigment and used it to figure out how much pigment from the BNIB was missing. It took 1/4 teaspoon to fill the full sized jar up to where I believe it should be and so that the plastic covering created that indentation. Am I losing my mind or should I be a little p.o.'d at this?