What is a good makeup consumer?


Active member
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but if not, would the mods kindly move it or direct me to the correct place?

Mmmm...I was just wondering, since there's so many MUAs and consumers here, I could probably hear both sides of the story, but what do you prefer in a consumer.....a fully prepared one who knows what he/she wants or a clean slate that comes without preconceived notions of suitable colors and is totally open to try something new?

Geez..I hope this question isn't too weird...but I'd really like to be a knowledgable and polite consumer and not waste my MUA's time


Well-known member
To be honest any1 who is coming in the store to spend money is a good consumer. I like to get new clients who don't have a clue what they want because it's a bit of fun telling them about new things and showing them tricks of the trade. Mind u it is also nice to have some one come in an know what they are looking for. It's frustrating when you spend ages with a customer and think they will finally buy something and then they walk out with nothing. But don't worry about asking for advice and what will suit u!
I'm sure they'd be happy to help x


Well-known member
Exactly halfway between the two. Educated to a reasonable extent, but without any preconceived ideas about product that are unable to be changed.

The perfect customer: "I have lots of basic neutral eyeshadows for work and I also wear a lot of pink on my eyes as a weekend thing. I really like what I have, but I was wondering if you could help me to choose some new colours. I was thinking about trying some golds and bronzes to liven up my work look, do you think they will look good on me or would you recommend something else?"

She knows a bit about what she already has, has an idea about what she'd like to purchase next, and shows an interest in getting a second opinion. That gives me plenty to work with product-wise, she told me her purpose, and has also indicated a willingness to look at or try other products within the range.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm a consumer, but I've noticed some trends of what makes a great consumer from observing and what people talk about here:

-Don't expect the MUA to be a miracle worker
-Be specific but open to other ideas
-Arrogance isn't attractive ever, so don't be brag about how much you know about x brand
-Be patient with people
-Especially if the MUA works on commission, be sure to spend some money if they spent a lot of time with you
-When you have a good MUA experience, write the manager of that store (letter or email) to tell them that


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
-When you have a good MUA experience, write the manager of that store (letter or email) to tell them that

Oh, god yes. No one ever writes to mention positive things, so HO really pays attention to it when it happens. I had someone pay my manager a compliment about me and I nearly passed out with joy.


Active member
Originally Posted by lara
Oh, god yes. No one ever writes to mention positive things, so HO really pays attention to it when it happens. I had someone pay my manager a compliment about me and I nearly passed out with joy.

Oh,really?! I thought a lot of people wrote to compliment the great service. I always write to appreciate the time and wonderful information given to me...(I even used to worry that I write them too frequently)..OK~~~I'll keep it up!:nod:

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think most people only take the time to complain, because they'd rather vent than be helpful towards someone kind. I also think it's because some people just expect MUA and other similar positions like that to do everything under the sun.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Exactly halfway between the two. Educated to a reasonable extent, but without any preconceived ideas about product that are unable to be changed.

The perfect customer: "I have lots of basic neutral eyeshadows for work and I also wear a lot of pink on my eyes as a weekend thing. I really like what I have, but I was wondering if you could help me to choose some new colours. I was thinking about trying some golds and bronzes to liven up my work look, do you think they will look good on me or would you recommend something else?"

She knows a bit about what she already has, has an idea about what she'd like to purchase next, and shows an interest in getting a second opinion. That gives me plenty to work with product-wise, she told me her purpose, and has also indicated a willingness to look at or try other products within the range.

I totally agree...